You can find the state approved nurse aide schools located in Clayton, Georgia listed on this page. To get all of the details regarding these training programs and how you can enroll, call the facility to speak with a course administrator.
Mountain View Health Care
547 Warwoman Rd.,
Clayton, GA 30525
(706) 782-4276
Before you are allowed to work as a nursing assistant, you should gain the proper skills and knowledge that are needed to take care of different patients. You can only do so if you enroll in CNA classes that are certified by the GMCF. When you graduate, you should be able to handle different situations in different settings. You should also meet the hiring requirements of certified Medicaid healthcare institutions.
The nursing assistant courses in this state are offered by government certified nursing homes, private schools, technical colleges, and training centers. These programs are required to offer their students 85 hours of training which will be divided into 24 hours of clinical rotations, classes on different concepts, and skills training. It will take an average of 2 to 6 months to finish the program.
Once your training is complete you can then apply for the license exams. When you apply, aside from the completed application form, you will also need to submit a copy of your high school diploma, transcript or records, proof of your training, fingerprint cards, and payment for exam fees. You will need to pass all the tests to get your name entered in the state’s registry.
The city of Clayton is the county seat of Rabun County. You can find this city in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The city was named after Judge Augustin S. Clayton. According to the latest census there, their total population was around 2,019 people. It has a total area of about 3.1 sq miles and a population density of 651.3/sq mile.
Health care centers that are located within the city include Pinnacle Health & Wellness, Neighborhood Healthcare Center – Bethea Todd MD, Mountain Lakes Community Health Care, and Rabun Medical Center. photo attribution: usdagov