You can find the schools enrolling applicants in Cherry Valley, California for nurse aide training listed for you below. Included in the list are all the available vocational, college, and health facility classes being offered as of the moment. For more information about taking the CNA certification exam, requirements to become a nurses aide, program tuition rates, or class schedules, just call the phone number that is shown in the list below.
Miravilla Care Center
9246 Avenida Mira Villa,
Cherry Valley, CA 92223
(714) 845-3194
Employers are required to check the certification of each of their applicants before hiring them. To do this, they can either go online to or call the Aide and Technician Certification Section at (916) 327-2445. They will only hire those who were able to meet the federal and state training and testing requirements and were certified by the ATCS. There are two ways that you can get certified in this state. You can either challenge the certification evaluation exam or apply for reciprocity.
Reciprocity is only offered to individuals who are already certified as a nurse aide but is currently listed in another state’s Nurse Aide Registry. For them to be eligible, they must have a current certification and a clean record. Records of patient abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of the patient’s property will make them ineligible to work in a certified nursing facility. When they apply, they must provide proof of their education and training such as a copy of their certificate of completion, transcripts, and/or a copy of their CNA certificate.
Challenging the certification evaluation exam is truly the only way to get certified as a nurse aide if you have never been a CNA before. This exam is divided into a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation. The knowledge test questions will all be multiple-choice and will be derived from the concepts that were mentioned in OBRA.
Before you can challenge the exam, you will need to establish eligibility by attending and completing a CDPH-approved NATP. This program consists of 150 hours of training, which are divided into lectures and practical training. Registered nurses, LPNs, and military-trained medics are also allowed to challenge the test. They will have to send proof of their training along with the application forms ( and to ATPS.
In order to get certified, you must pass all the parts of the tests. If you fail, you will have to reapply and retake the test you failed. You can only take the test up to three times. If you fail after the third time, you will no longer be allowed to reapply unless you complete another training program.
CNA certifications in California are valid for 24 months. You must keep it active to maintain your eligibility to work as a nurse aide. No nurse aide is allowed to continue working with an expired certificate. You can find more information regarding the requirements for renewal by downloading a copy of the renewal forms (
This is a city in Riverside County. It has a total population of 6,362 which was taken during the 2010 census. You can find this city on the San Gregonio Pass. It is also just between San Bernardino and Palm Springs. It has a total area of 8.087 sq miles where all of it is land. The population density of the place is around 786.7/sq miles.
Examples of health care clinics and providers you can find in the area include Apex Urgent Care, Christian Moses D MD, Oak Tree Alternative Care, Bernardino Indian Health Inc., and Renal Advantage Inc. photo attribution: westconn