Schools in Calistoga, California that are currently offering nurse aide training are shown to you on this page. Included in the page are all the available programs verified by the state, that you can enroll in as of this moment. For more information about getting your CNA certification, taking the exam, class schedules, or tuition fees, just contact the number provided.
Calistoga Gardens Nursing Center
1715 Washington Street,
Calistoga, California 94515
(707) 942-6253
There are plenty of ways to become a nursing aide in California. You can complete a CNA training program, receive military education, or enroll or complete a nursing education program as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse. All of these will make you eligible to apply for the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program examination.
The NNAAP exam was designed to establish a standard for nursing aides all throughout the United States. It is composed of a 70-item multiple-choice knowledge test and a clinical skills evaluation of random nursing skills. This is the only way for an individual who has never been a CNA before to become certified. According to both federal and state regulations, only a certified nursing aide may work in a certified nursing facility like a nursing home.
The NNAAP exams for this state are conducted by Pearson VUE. They also help the California Department of Public Health to score and release the results of the score. All the names that have passed will be forwarded to the Aide and Technician Certification Section. The ATCS will then send the passers’ certificates to their mailing address. If you visit the Pearson VUE’s website, you can get a copy of the Candidate Handbook, which contains more details about the NNAAP exam.
CNAs from other states are welcome to work in California if they wish to transfer and work. Before they start working, they will have to complete the application packet and send the forms along with their proof of training and education to the ATCS. All applicants are also required to pass the Live Scan for background checks. Their certification in the previous state will still remain even after they get approved for reciprocity.
Nursing facilities or employers are required to check the certification of their applicants before they hire them. They can do so by going to To search for the applicant, they can either enter his complete name or certification number. CNAs who wish to check their own status can also use the link provided.
A certified nurse aide can work for up to 2 years. If you wish to continue your work as a nursing aide, you will have to renew your certification before it expires. You are required to complete the renewal forms ( and submit it to the ATCS. If you let your certification expire and decide you want to continue working as a nursing aide, you can reactivate your certification by taking an evaluation exam.
Calistoga is a city that is part of Napa County. As of the census of 2010, their population has now reached up to 5,155 citizens. They have a total area of 2.6 square miles, which less than 1% of it is water. Their population density is around 1,972.8/sq miles.
Examples of health care centers that you can find within the city include Clinic Ole, Optimal Health Center, Vermeil House Medical Clinic, Christopher Henderson, ND, L.Ac., Silverado Psychiatric Center, Kraft Maryanne, and Lauren A. Sugarman, LAC. photo attribution: westconn