The state approved certified nurse aide schools in Branford, Connecticut that are shown on this page offer the most recent classes that you can enroll in. For any questions about their training programs, feel free to call the number for the program shown below.
Branford Hills Health Care Center
189 Alps Road,
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 481-622
Completion of a CNA training program is one of the requirements for you to become a certified nursing assistant in the state of Connecticut. Once finished with the training program, you must first pass a certification exam to be able to practice legally. Only nurse aides who have a license are allowed to work in any healthcare setting. To get one, you must take on the license exams and get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. It is the state’s Department of Public Health who will be issuing your certification. There are different requirements that must be complied with before you can apply for the license exams, and the most important among them are the completion of state-approved CNA training course and passing the federal and the state’s background checks. Having records of violence or abuse may result in the rejection of your application.
The first part of the license exams is the written examination. In this part, you will be given 90 minutes to answer all the 60 questions. Out of the 60 questions there will 10 questions that will not be scored. These questions are all pretest questions and are added there for statistical purposes. All of the items in the written exam will be multiple-choice. The second part is the skills demonstration. Out of all the 25 basic nursing care skills that were taught in the training program, only 5 of them will be tested. The chosen procedures will all be randomly selected by a computer. You will be given a simple scenario where you must do all the skills satisfactorily in order to pass this exam. Upon completion your license will also be valid up to two years like the other states.
This shoreline town can be found in New Haven County. It is situated on Long Island Sound. You can find this town only a few miles east from New Haven. This town was founded back in 1644. According to the census of 2005, their total population had reached up to a total of 29,089 people. It has a total area of 28.0 sq miles, where 6 square miles of it is water. Its population density is estimated to be around 1,322/sq mile. Major roads that you can use to access this town are Routes 142 and 146, and also Interstate 95.
Examples of health care centers that you can avail in the city include Harbor Health Services, OrthoNow, Stony Creek Urgent Care, Prescient Healthcare Systems LLC, Harbor Health Services Inc., Fuzion Medical Aesthetic Boutique, Branford Hills Health Care Center, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, Playcare At Branford Hills Health Care, Stony Creek Urgent Care, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Associates, Connecticut Kidney Center, and Umass Memorial Health Care Lab Outreach. photo attribution: departmentofed