Vocational schools that are conducting certified nurse aide programs in the town of Bowman, South Carolina are listed on this page. Once a student has completed the hourly requirements they will become authorized to set a testing date to attempt to pass the licensing exams. To find out more details about this process call to talk with a course administrator.
Carolina Nurse Aide School
8740 Charleston Hwy
Bowman, SC 29018
If you love to take care of people and would like a practical means of entering the medical field, then you should start training to become a nursing assistant. Nursing assistants help the nurses, for compensation, in providing nursing and nursing-related care to the patients in different health care facilities.
If you are considering on becoming a CNA, then the first thing that you have to do is to attend a state-approved nursing assistant training program. When enrolled, you will be spending your time in a classroom for lectures about different nursing concepts, and in the clinical area for you practical training. Before you are sent to take care of any patient, you must first cover the required concepts of infection control, safety and emergency procedures, personal care, communication skills, and the patient’s rights and independence.
After completing your training, the next step for you is to challenge the certification exam. If you pass both the knowledge (written/oral) test and the skills evaluation, your name will be on the Nurse Aide Registry. This Registry is a list of individuals who are allowed to work as a nursing assistant because they met the federal and state training and testing requirements. Only those who are on the Registry will be allowed to work as a CNA in South Carolina.
Aside from taking the certification exam, certified nurse aides from other states may also apply for reciprocity. This is similar to transferring one’s certification from one NAR to another, but in this process you will become certified in both Registries. The most important requirements for this application are having a valid certification and a clean record. Anyone who is listed on the Nurse Aide Abuse Registry will not be allowed to work in the state.
CNA certifications are valid only for 24 months. If you wish to remain eligible to work as a nursing assistant, you must renew it before it expires. Person VUE sends out a notice for renewal at least 60 days before your certification’s expiration. To be eligible for renewal, you must work for a minimum of 8 hours doing qualified nursing assistant work. For those who are working in a Medicaid nursing facility, their renewal fees will be paid by their employers.
This town can be found in Orangeburg County. It has a total area of approximately 1.2 sq miles. According to the latest census done in the area is about 1,198 people. It has a population density of 1,032.9/sq mile.
Health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center (800) 681-7524, G & G Treatment Center (866) 609-4752, Price Anna MD (803) 829-2523, Bowman Medical Center (803) 829-2523, Palmetto Dentistry LLC (803) 829-2566, and many more like them. photo attribution: create-learning