Joining a nursing assistant program will help you get the training necessary to pass the certification exams, and enrolling in a state approved course is necessary to qualify. Here are the schools located in Bay Minette, Alabama that you can enroll in. For more information, please call the number for the facility provided below.
Faulkner State
1900 Highway 31 South,
Bay Minette, AL 36507
To get your CNA certification in Alabama you must enroll in a training program that is approved by the Department of Health of the State of Alabama. After finishing your instruction you can apply with the transcript of your school, completed application, fingerprint card, photo I.D, and background check to set a date for taking the state certification exams.
The exams are made up of a written and a skill test. Prometric handles the exams and you can call them at 866-241-3116 to get the latest details about requirements and testing locations. Once completed you will be notified of your results and if successful you will be placed on the Nurse Aid Registry of Alabama. Your admission on to the registry is valid for two years and you must work at least 40 hours as a nursing assistant during that time to remain in good standing.
Bay MInette is the county seat of Baldwin County. It is also included in the Daphne–Fairhope–Foley Micropolitan Statistical Area. According to the census of 2007, their total population was around 7,726 people. Bay Minette has a total area of approximately 8 sq miles, where all of it is land. Its population density is estimated to be 977.5/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving this city include Baldwin County Mental Health Center, Express Healthcare, North Baldwin Physicians for Women PC, Kolb Gary DO, and Fresenius Medical Care. photo attribution: ulrichkarljoho