The certified nursing assistant school programs that are currently open for enrollment in Batesville, Mississippi are found on this page. Course must be authorized by the state registry to qualify one to take the license exams. Contact the facility administrator to learn how their classes can help you.
Batesville Training Center
103 Woodland Road #3,
Batesville, MS 38606
(662) 578-2068
Batesville Job Corps Center
821 Highway 51 South,
Batesville, MS 38606
(662) 563-4656
It is not that hard to become a nursing assistant if you know what to do. The first thing that you should do is to look for a training program to enroll in. Because of the high demand for this profession, there will be no problems for you looking for one. Before you enroll, you have to make sure that it is approved by the state so you will not have any problems applying for the license exams after you complete your training.
The license exams for Mississippi are being offered by Pearson Vue. The first part of the exams is a written exam, which is composed of 70 multiple-choice items. Ten of those items are pre-test questions and will not be included in the total score. For those who are not very good in English, they may request to have an oral exam instead. They can request for one when they apply for the exams. The oral exams are composed of 60 items of multiple-choice questions and 10 items about reading and comprehension.
The second part of the examination is about skills evaluation. In this exam, the applicant will be required to perform 5 randomly selected nursing skills in front of a nursing assistant evaluator. Each applicant is given 25 minutes to do all of them. They must do all of the skills satisfactorily in order to pass this part. If you have completed your training you can contact Pearson Vue to schedule a test date or for other questions regarding the examination by calling 1-888-204-6213.
those who wish to transfer their certification from another state may qualify for reciprocity. An application must be filled out, and a fee of $26 and $101 for the exam must be paid. You can learn more by calling the support personnel at the Mississippi State Department of Health at 601-364-1100.
Batesville is a city that is found in Panola County. It is one of the two county seats of Panola County; the other county seat is Sardis. Batesville has a total area of 11.1 square miles, where all of it is land. As of the 2010 census, the total population of the city was estimated to be 7,463.
There are a lot of healthcare facilities that are found in the city. With that, you will not have any problems looking for work once you become a full-fledged nursing assistant. Examples of these facilities are Aaron E Henry Community Health, Batesville Clinic, Convenient Care Clinic, Purohit & Purohit, Convenient Care Clinic, University Sports Medicine, Batesville Family Medical Clinic, Magnolia Counseling, and General Practice Clinic. photo attribution: leonardodasilva