The nursing assistant training locations in Ashburn, Georgia are listed on this page. These courses offer the most up to date state licensed schools that you can enroll in.
Moultrie Technical College
222 Rock House Road,
Ashburn, GA 31714
(229) 567-2045
Only those who have a license are allowed to work in the state of Georgia as a CNA. Certified nurse aides from other states are also able to work here by applying for reciprocity. When applying, an important requirement is to have an active license status and a good relationship with the state they came from. They will need to submit some proof of their training and experiences along with the application form. They can get a copy of the different forms at
According to the state rules, a nursing home cannot allow any individual to work in as a nursing aide for more than 4 months unless they had taken the necessary training and had received their license. That is why they are required to undergo CNA classes and take the license exams within 4 months if they wish to continue their work.
Nursing assistant licensees in this state expired every two years. If they wish to renew it, they must submit the re-application form. According to the Federal regulations, a nurse aide must have worked with pay for at least 8 hours within that time. If they fail to meet these criteria, they are required to undergo retesting. If they were not able to renew their certification for more than 3 years, then the applicant must undergo another state-approved nursing aide training program.
Reciprocity is offered to qualified nurse aide from other states. To be able to transfer you must currently be listed on the state registry from where you are coming from and listed with them in good standing. In addition you will need to submit a reciprocity application form. You can download the form from the Georgia web portal at:
This city is the county seat of Turner County. The city is well known for its peanuts and Fire Ants. The city was named after W. W. Ashburn, who own a large portion of the area before the city was founded. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 4,152. It has a total area of about 4.6 sq miles, where all of it is land. It has a population density of 978.6/sq mile.
Health care providers that you can find in the area include Efaw Lora MD, Health Plus, Johnson C David MD, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom