The certified nursing assistant classes in Sylvester, Georgia are listed in detail on this page. Included in the list are the training programs that are licensed by the state and available for you to enroll in at this time.
Worth County High School
406 West King Street,
Sylvester, GA 31791
(229) 776-8625
If you are planning on becoming a nursing assistant, then being one in Georgia is one of the best choices that you can make. In this state, the Nurse Aide Training Programs make sure that their future nurse aides are trained to be competent in any healthcare setting. It is very important the nursing assistants in this state meet the qualification of Medical healthcare facilities. To make sure that happens, the Department of Community Health had placed GMCF in-charge to oversee the both training and competency testing programs.
Before you enroll in a program, you should make sure that the program is approved by the GMCF. These programs are offered by technical colleges, nursing homes, high schools, and other institutions. These programs offer their students at least 85 hours of training. The training hours will be divided into lectures, labs, and clinical rotations. It is require that the clinical rotations should have a minimum of 24 hours. It will take you about 2 to 6 months to continuous training to finish a program. This of course will also depend on the program you choose.
By completing a training program, the student will become eligible to apply for the license exams. It is necessary to take this exam since the state of Georgia does not allow any individual to work as a nursing assistant for more than 4 months. Exams contain two parts which are an oral or written test and a physical demonstration test. Applicants are required to pass both parts and those who do are included on the state registry for nurse aides for two years. Renewal of a listing on this directory is accomplished by verifying your time on the job.
This city is the county seat of Worth County. Aside from that, it is also the business center of Worth County. The city claims to be the Peanut Capital of the World. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 5,990. It has a total area of 5.7 sq miles, and has a population density of 1,050.9/sq mile. The city was founded back in 1893 and was originally known as Isabella Station.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Health Plus Medical Office Center, Natural Solutions for Preventive Healthcare, Healthcare Correction Xray, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom