You can find the schools in Springville, Utah that offer nursing assistant classes on this page. Courses shown meet with the approval of the state registry. For more information about class tuition costs, program requirements, or curriculum, please call the number provided below.
321 E 800 S
Springville UT 84663
801- 373- 5079
(Classes are offered to employees and prospected employees only)
You can only work in Utah as a nurse aide if you have a CNA certification. The only individuals who are given certifications are those who are in the Utah Nurse Aide Registry. You can gain entry into the UNAR by passing the NNAAP exam.
Before you can take the exam you must first establish eligibility by completing a state-approved CNA program. These programs take at least 80 hours to complete. Once you are enrolled, you will spend 50 hours in the classroom and 30 hours in the clinical area for the practical portion of your training.
You must be at least 16 years old to become a nurse aide in this state. English competency is also a must since most of the people will be speaking it. Before you can enroll, you will be required to undergo physical examinations and tests to determine that you are healthy and free of communicable diseases. A mandatory background check is also necessary since there had been a lot of incidences that involved healthcare providers.
Once you complete your training, the next step is to apply for the NNAAP exam. Your instructor will provide you with an application form that must be sent to the UNAR. The forms will contain the address of the UNAR. You can also visit and apply online. When you apply online you will need your credit card to pay for the $75 testing fee. If you decide to apply through the mail, all payments must be in the form of a money order or a certified cashier’s check.
The NNAAP exam is a two part test that consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and the skills evaluation. Unlike some states, the written and oral versions of the knowledge test are already given together in Utah. The knowledge tests will be taken on a computer with headsets for the audio questions.
Candidates who will pass both parts of the tests will get their names entered into the Registry. Their names on the Registry, as well as their certification, will remain valid for only 2 years. During that time they must work for at least 200 hours as a paid nurse aide to qualify for renewal. If you fail to renew your certification will expire and you will lose your eligibility to work as a certified nurse aide.
This city is a part of Utah County. It is also included in the Provo–Orem, Utah Metropolitan Statistical Area. Springville is bordered by cities like Mapleton and Spanish Fork. The city calls itself as “Art City”. According to teh census of 2008, their total population was around 28,520. It has a total area of approximately 11.5 sq miles and has a population density of 1,770.5/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include CPAP, Applegate HomeCare & Hospice, Trusted Hands, DDC- DNA Diagnostics Center, Petersen Medical, Home Caregivers Home Health, The Clinic PC – Lehi – American Fork – Saratoga Springs, Diabetes Care Club, and Walk In Accident And Injury Center. photo attribution: codnewsroom