The training centers offering instruction in how to become a nurse aide in Springfield, Vermont are all listed here. The list includes colleges, high schools, and vocational classes approved by the state.
River Valley Technical Center
307 South St.,
Springfield, VT 05156
(802) 885-8300
Springfield Health and Rehabilitation Center
105 Chester Road,
Springfield, VT 05156
(802) 885-5741
The economy today is constantly becoming unstable. Luckily, this doesn’t always affect the health industry since there will always be a need for healthcare providers. This is why a lot of people are now looking for ways to start a career in this field. If you are one of those people then you might want to think about becoming a licensed nursing aide.
Licensed nursing aides or LNAs work in different healthcare settings. They work under the supervision of a registered nurse and help provide nursing care to people who are living in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, and even in the client’s own home. They help provide basic nursing care like assisting in daily activities like bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, exercising, ambulating, and many more.
To ensure that the quality of care that the patients receive is good, aspiring candidates must enroll in a state-certified training program before working full-time in a health care facility. The training programs in the state comprise of at least 75 hours of theory and 30 hours of supervised practical training. Both theory and practical training are conducted at the same time.
Completing an approved LNA program will make you eligible to apply for the NNAAP exam. You can also establish eligibility if you attend at least one semester of nursing school or complete a CNA training program that’s approved in another state.
Taking the NNAAP exam is the final step in becoming a licensed nurse aide. If you pass both the written/oral test and the skills test your name will be forwarded to the Board of Nursing. They will then enter your name into the Nurse Aide Registry. Employers will always verify each of their applicant’s licenses before hiring them. You can also check your status as an LNA by visiting
This state accepts nurse aides from other states through endorsement. Applicants must have a current certification and a clean record in order to qualify. They are also required to provide proof of employment for at least 400 hours within the last 2 years. If an applicant is unable to meet the required number of hours, then he or she can still work in Vermont by taking the NNAAP exam. He or she will no longer be required to complete another training program before applying for the NNAAP exam. For further information, please call the NAR at (802) 828-2396.
Springfield is a part of Windsor County. This town was chartered in 1761. As of the 2010 census, their total population had reached up to a total of 9,373 people with a population density of 190.1/sq mile. The total area of the town is approximately 49.5 sq miles, where 0.2 square miles of it is water. Nearby communities include Baltimore, Chester, Grafton, Weathersfield, Rockingham, and Charlestown.
The Connecticut Valley ENT, Pediatric Network, Skin Cancer Clinic, Springfield Internal Medicine, Springfield Hospital, Health Care and Rehabilitation, Valley Health Connections, and Ridgewood Sleep Clinic are examples of health care providers and centers that are located in Springfield, VT. photo attribution: codnewsroom
I’m been working as a LNA job until now. My question is I attend LNA program in Brattleboro in 2008 and I did not get my License. I pass the course and clinical but I haven’t my written test. I’ve been looking to get my License do you have any suggestions where to go for refreshment course. Please advice.
Thank you!
See this page for more information about the VT registry – Or try calling to see how they can help – Phone Number: 802-828-3089