The nursing assistant classes in Sparta, Tennessee that are shown here are all the available state certified programs in this city. If you know of other courses that are state approved, you can send them to us and we will add them here.
Life Care Center of Sparta
508 Moss Drive,
Sparta, TN 38583
(931) 738-9430
Training is always essential in any type of career that you wish to be in. That is why the first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to get the proper education and training. By completing a training program that is approved by the Tennessee Department of Health, you will be able to apply for the CNA competency exam. Training programs are found offered in different training institutions throughout the entire state.
To make sure that the training the students receive meets the standards of the federal and state, all programs must be certified before they handle any students. For a program to be certified it must offer at least 75 hours of training. These hours must be divided into classroom lectures and a minimum of 16 hours of clinical training. Students must spend a minimum of 16 hours covering the following concepts before they are sent to the clinical area:
• Infection control
• Residents’ rights and independence
• Safety and emergency protocols
• Communication and interpersonal skills
These students must also be handled by qualified CNA instructor. An instructor must be a registered nurse with a minimum of 2 years of experience. One must also have completed a Train the Trainer program or a course about training adults. A licensed practical nurse can also be a clinical instructor only if a nurse is placed as head of the program.
If you are a medic corpsmen or a nursing graduate, then you will no longer be required to undergo training in a CNA training program just to be able to apply for the state license exams. The state also offers those CNAs that come from a most states to apply for reciprocity. For most states, you will only be required to provide certain documents and data, as well as pass the state and federal background checks.
The competency exam in Tennessee is handled by the D&S Diversified Technologies. It consists of a written multiple-choice test and a clinical skills exam. For those who have problems reading English, they can request to take an oral exam instead. To get into the Nurse Aide Registry, you must pass both exams within 3 attempts.
Once your name is on the Registry, you will be certified. Your certification will remain valid for 2 years. During that time, you must be able to work for at least 8 hours in a certified nursing facility to be eligible for renewal. You must renew your certification to keep your name on the Registry and your eligibility to work in a nursing facility. When you renew, you will have to provide proof of employment along with the renewal forms. Pay stubs, a notarized letter from your employer, or a printout of payroll can be used as proof. For more information, please follow this link:
Sparta is the county seat of White County. It was established in 1809 for the purpose of becoming the county seat of White County. The city was named after the Ancient Greek city of Sparta. As of the 2000 census, their total population was estimated to be 4,599 residents. They had a total area of 6.3 sq miles and a population density of 725.2/sq mile.
There are quite a few health care clinics and providers that are found in the city, they include Pate Donald W MD FACS – Emergencies, White County Women’s Healthcare, Cornerstone Family Medicine, White County Specialty Clinic, Quality Correctional Healthcare, White County Community Hospital, Care First Walk-In Clinic, Nhc Healthcare of Sparta, and Cumberland Family Care PC. photo attribution: westconn