The nursing assistant classes in Sicklerville, New Jersey that are listed here offer the best training that you can locate in the area. To find out what the requirements are to be certified in New Jersey, call one of the programs below. Schools shown have all met with the approval of the state and with enable you to take the exams upon completion.
Camden County Technical School Allied Health Program
343 Berlin-Cross Keys Road,
Sicklerville, NJ 08081
(856) 767-7000
The first step in becoming a nurse aide is to enroll in a training program. In New Jersey, you can choose from two different types of program NATCEP or PCA. This will also determine what the license examination you will take once you complete the program. The NATCEP are for those that wish to work in long-term nursing facilities while the latter is for those that want to be involved in home care.
In the medical field today, there is now an increase in the demand for healthcare providers, especially nursing aides, personal care assistants, and home health aides. For those that want to pursue something higher, there are also higher certifications, like CMA certificates, that they can get on top of their basic certificates.
To become a certified medication aide in New Jersey, you must be a nurse aide, home health aide, or a personal care assistant that is registered in the state. You must also be able to complete a medication aide training course that is approved by the state’s DOH in order to register for the competency exams.
The medication aide candidate must be able to apply and take the exams within 3 months upon completion of the training program. The competency exams for the medication aides are also offered by PSI and are still composed of a written/oral examination and a return demonstration of the skills that they learned during the training. If the candidate fails to pass the exams after 6 months from the completion of training, the candidate will be required to undergo retraining.
When applying for the CMA competency exams, the candidates will need to provide proof of their training. They will be required to provide their CNA/PCA licenses or their home health aide certifications. Failure to provide proof of certification or license will result in the rejection of the candidate’s application.
The requirements for recertification as a CMA are slightly different from the certified nurse aide or PCA recertification. One of the requirements is that your basic license must be active. The applicant must also have 10 hours of continuing education, seminars, or in-service training every 24 consecutive months.
This is a community that is in the Township of Winslow. It is also a part of Camden County. Founded in 1851, it was named after its founder John Sickler, who was one of the earliest settlers in the area. According to the last census, their total population had reached up to 42,891 people. They have a population density of 1,847/sq mile.
Health care centers and facilities that you can find in the community include LMA Women’s Healthcare of Sicklerville, STD Test Express, Optimum Health Care, NovaCare Rehabilitation, Clack Associates L L C, Take Care Clinic, and many more. photo attribution: collegedegrees360