The certified nursing assistant schools in Portland, Connecticut that are shown to you on this page are licensed by the state and open for enrollment. For more information, please call the phone number for the program provided below.
Portland Convalescent Center, Inc.
333 Main Street,
Portland, CT 06480
(860) 342-0370
Passing the state’s license exams is an important process in becoming a CNA in Connecticut. The state does not allow its nursing aides to work in any healthcare facility without a license. There are different requirements for the license exams but the most important among them is the completion of a certified training program and passing the background checks that are done at federal and state levels. If you fail to present a copy of the results will meant that you have records that prevent you from working in the state as a nursing assistant. To get your license, you must be able to pass the written and the skills demonstration exam. It will be the Department of Public Health who will provide you your certification/license.
The written exam is the first part of the license exams. You will be allotted 90 minutes to answer all the questions. This exam will be composed of 60 multiple-choice questions which will also include pretest questions. The pretest questions are not included in the scoring since they are included there for statistical purposes. The exams topics will cover three different domains which are about the different roles of a nurse aide, the promotion of the residents’ safety, and the promotion of functioning and health of the resident/patient.
In the skills demonstration, you will be given a simple scenario where you must perform five basic competency skills. These skills are selected randomly by a computer and will be shown to you a few minutes before the start of the exams. You will also be shown the checkpoints for the skills. Please remember that the checkpoints shown to you are not step-by-step processes but are guidelines to help you remember what the important principles for each skill are. This will also help guide the nurse aide evaluator to determine if you are performing each skill satisfactorily. Once certified and included on the registry our license will be valid for 2 years before the need to renew it. You can call Prometric at 866-499-7485 for help setting up an exam date or for answering any questions you may have.
Portland is both a town and a census-designated place. You can find this town just across the Connecticut River. This town was originally part of Middletown back then and was known as East Middletown. It was only in 1841 that it became a part of Chatham. According to the census of 2005, their total population had reached up to 9,543 people. It has a total area of 24.9 sq miles and a population density of 408/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can avail in the town include Roncalli Health Care Management, Catholic Charities, Cobalt Lodge Health Care and R, Public Health Nursing-Connecticut Vna Inc., Family Practice Group of Middlesex, Mormile John DR, Wysocki E Paul DR, Huded Prakash V MD, Rosenfeld George M MD, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed