The nursing assistant programs in Plymouth, Connecticut that are open for enrollment are shown below. If you know other certified nursing assistant classes that are approved by the state of Connecticut, please contact us and we will add them to the page.
Cook Willow Convalescent Hospital
81 Hillside Ave.,
Plymouth, CT 06782
(860) 283-8208
To become a CNA, you must be able to enroll in and complete a training program. These programs are offered by colleges and nursing homes, as well as other institutions. The program you enroll in should be approved by the state so that you can apply for the license exams once you are through with your training. To graduate from a program, you must have at 100 hours of training and classroom lectures and 16 hours of clinical duty that provides hands-on skills training. In your training program you must learn 25 different basic nursing related skills. While you are still a student, you will be exposed to a clinical setting and handle actual residents/patients. You will be placed under the supervision of a registered nurse while you are having your clinical experience. This is thought to develop a strong foundation for the chosen career of the student.
When applying for the license exams you must send in your application with the needed documents such as a copy of your transcripts, fingerprint cards, ID photo, passport size picture, and the payment for the exam fees. You are also required to provide your immunization records to and undergo physical exams to test that you are physically capable of handling patients/resident and do not have any communicable diseases. Those who finished other nursing courses like RNs and LPNs are allowed to directly apply for the license exams.
The license exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation. You can also request for an oral exam for your first part instead of a written exam. When you pass the license exam, your name will be entered in the state’s registry and you will receive your license from the Department of Public Health. Ti get your license, you must pass all the exams.
This town can be found in Litchfield County. Incorporated in 1795, the town got its name after Plymouth, Devon in England. This town is made up of two villages namely Terryville and Pequabuck. Other principal communities there include Allentown, Graystone, Hancock, and Tolles. According to the census of 2005, their total population was at 12,183 people. It has a total area of 22.3 sq miles and has a population density of 561/sq mile. Major routes that you can access in the town are Rotes 6, 72, and 262.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find serving the town are Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Cook Willow Convalescent Hospital, Cook’s Home Health Center Inc., Therapy Plus, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed