The nurse aide programs in Plainfield, Connecticut that are shown on this page are all the state certified instruction courses available right now. If you have any inquiries enrolling in a school program, please call the number provided below.
Villa Maria Convalescent Home, Inc.
20 Babcock Ave.,
Plainfield, CT 06374
(860) 564-3387
Getting a nurse aide license is one of the best choices you can make if you are planning on working in the medical field. This profession has an increasing demand which guarantees available work for fresh graduates. An advantage of choosing this degree is that it does not take that long to complete your training and get your license.
You will need at least 100 hours’ worth of classroom training and 16 hours of clinical practice. Most programs will last from two months up to six. Depending on the program you choose, you can complete your training within 6 months of continuous training. You have to make sure the program you enroll in is approved by the state so you can apply for the license exams after. Once you finish your training, you can then apply for the license exams.
Holders of CNA license can work in this state by applying for reciprocity. When they apply, they have to make sure that their license is still valid or active. They must also have a good relationship with the state they came from so that they can pass the background checks. Having records such as resident abuse or theft can be made as grounds for rejecting your application. For more information, you can call Prometric 866-499-7485.
This town is a part of Windham County. It is made up to four villages namely Plainfield, Mossup, Waukegan, and Central Village. Back in 1699 when it was incorporated, it was originally known as Quinebaug, but was change to its current name the following year. According to the 2005 census, their total population was around 15,443 people. It has a total area of about 43.0 sq miles and has a population density of 365/sq mile. The closest major cities that you can find nearby are Providence, RI, Hartford, Boston, MA, and New York.
Health care facilities that you can find in the area include Genesis Health Care, Plainfield Healthcare Center, Day Kimball Hospital, Umass Memorial Health Care Inc., Eye MD of Plainfield LLC, Colsen Podiatry, Plainfield Pediatric Center, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed