Training to become a certified nursing assistant in Chico, California is listed below. These are all of the currently available schools in the city of Chico. Call the phone number of the training facility to get additional information about enrolling in their programs.
Butte Co ROP
2491 Carmichael Dr, #100
Chico, CA 95928
(530) 879-7457
Riverside Convalescent Hospital
375 Cohasset Road, Chico, CA 95926
Because of the high demand for certified nursing assistants throughout the United States, a lot of people had started to ask questions about different things regarding being a nursing aide. Here are some of the questions that most people ask.
What does it take to be a CNA?
To be a nursing aide you must at least be 18 years old. You should have at least a high school diploma or a GED certificate. You will need to have complete immunizations and be physically capable to take care of the patients. English proficiency is also a must since most people will be speaking at least Basic English.
How do I become a certified nurse aide?
You can only work in a state-approved healthcare facility if your name is on the Nurse Aide Registry. The only way for you to gain entry is to challenge and pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam. You can only take the exam if you successfully complete a training program. To apply for the tests you will need to submit an application. Along with your school transcripts you’ll need to turn in your fingerprint card, application, background check, immunization card, photo I.D and testing fees.
Where can I find a CNA program?
Programs are offered by different institutions and schools such as nursing homes, hospitals, clinical centers, community colleges, vocational and technical colleges, private organizations, and many more. When selecting a program to enroll in, just make sure that it is approved by the California Department of Public Health. Most programs in this state take 2 to 6 months to complete.
What is the NNAAP exam?
The NNAAP exam is the final step in becoming a full-fledged nursing assistant. This test consists of a written/oral knowledge test and a practical skills exam. It is conducted by Pearson VUE at approved testing centers throughout the state. Those who are able to pass both parts will receive a certificate from the Aide and Technician Certification Section.
What will happen once I get a certificate?
Having a CNA certificate means that you will be able to work in a state-approved healthcare facility as a certified nursing aide. You can continue working so long as your certificate remains valid. Certificates in this state are only valid for 2 years and must be renewed before they expire.
What do I need to renew my certificate?
To renew your certificate you must show proof to the ATCS that you were able to work, for compensation, for at least 1 day on the job while under the supervision of a registered nurse. You will also be required to complete 48 hours of in-service training or continuing education from a CDPH-approved program.
Chico CA is located in Butte County and has a population of 86,187 as of the 2010 census. The city’s largest employer is Enloe Medical Center. In addition to Enloe Medical Center some of the other health care providers are Chico Immediate Care, Convenient Care Health Center, Mangrove Medical Group, Coast Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, Shalom Free Clinic, and Pathology Sciences Medical. photo attribution: codnewsroom