The nursing assistant programs located in Gallatin, Tennessee are offered on this page. If you want to find out more about enrolling in an instruction course recognized by the TN Department of Health, you can call the faculty phone number listed here.
Gallatin Health Care Center
438 North Water Avenue,
Gallatin, TN 37066
(615) 452-2322
The state of Tennessee will require you to have a certification if you wish to work in a health institution as a CNA. This means that you will have to undergo proper training, pass the criminal background checks, and challenge the certification exam in order to be allowed to work. If you complete all of these requirements, your name will be added to the state’s Nurse Aide Registry.
When you are looking for a training program to enroll in, you must only select those that are approved by the state’s Department of Health. These programs are certified for 2 years. They are required to give their students at least 75 training hours and the program must be coordinated by a registered nurse. The curriculum is divided into lectures and practical training. Before they are sent to the clinical area, students must complete 16 hours learning communication skills, infection control, rights and independence, and safety and emergency procedures. During your course you will learn at least 25 nursing skills that you will use while employed and during your testing.
At the end of the training, if you successfully pass all their tests, you will be given a certificate of completion. This will prove that you will be eligible and ready to challenge the certification exam. This exam consists of a written exam and a skills evaluation. During your skills testing you will need to demonstrate 5 different nursing skills. With your written test you will need to score better than 70% to pass. Once you pass the exams, your name will be entered in their registry and you will be able to work for up to 2 years before needing to renew.
The state’s DOH has authorized D&S Diversified Technologies to help in the conducting, scoring, and releasing of the results. If you visit their website at you will find more information regarding the exams.
If you pass both of their exams, your name will be entered into the Nurse Aide Registry. It will remain there for 24 months. You can expect your certification to arrive at your mailing address within 4-6 weeks after your name is entered. To remain eligible to work as a CNA you must renew your certification before it expires. You must provide proof of employment for at least 8 hours under the supervision of a registered nurse when you apply for renewal.
Gallatin serves as the county seat of Summer County. It was established in 1802 and has became the county seat since then. The name of this city was in honor of Albert Gallatin, who was a former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. This city is also known as G-town. As of the last census taken, their total population was around 27,726 people. It has a total area of approximately 22.5 sq miles and a population density of 1,232.3/sq mile.
Sumner Regional Medical Center is the main health care center that is serving this city. Other health care centers that you can also find serving this city and its people include Psychology Associates Clinical, Dialysis Associates of Gallatin, Allcare Health Services, Sumner Home Health Services, Memorial Hospital, and Tigges Chiropractic. photo attribution: westconn