The nursing assistant schools in Emporia, Kansas that are listed here offer all the KDADS approved instruction programs available for enrollment. Call a facility to speak with a representative about your training options and necessary requirements for certification.
Holiday Resort
2700 West 30th Street,
Emporia, KS 66801
(620) 343-9285
Flint Hills Technical College
3301 West 18th Street,
Emporia, KS 66801
(620) 343-4600
If you are planning to enter the medical field, you should start to consider becoming a nursing assistant. This type of job is one of the most in demand professions in the field today. Becoming a nursing assistant will not only give you entrance to the field but it will also provide you with basic experience to healthcare services. As an aspiring nursing assistant, you will be required to enroll in a CNA program. You will be spending most of your time in classrooms for lectures and skills training. Even as a student, you will also be exposed to the actual setting to see what it is like. It is important that when you complete your training, you will have at least 90 hours of training, which will already include the necessary hours for clinical experience.
After you complete your training, the next step for you is to take on the license exams. Before you can take the exams, you have to send in your application and wait for the board’s approval to take the tests. In order to get your name entered in the Registry, you will need to pass all the tests. For more information, please follow this link: The state of Kansas is stricter in accepting nursing aides that come from a different state as compared to others. Reciprocity does not apply to all other states. During application, you will need to provide documents proving your training and working experience. Also, you will have to take an evaluation test before your name could be entered in the registry. It will only be listed if you have passed the license exams.
Emporia is the county seat of Lyon County. It is situated just between Wichita and Topeka. It is a primary city of the Emporia Micropolitan Statistical Area. Major roads that you can use to get to this city are U.S. Route 50 and Interstate 35 and 335. According to the last census, their total population was around 24,916. The city has a total area of approximately 10 sq miles and has a population density of 2,500/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that are located in the area include Newman Express Care, Oxford House, Chiropractic Arts Building, Emporia Chiropractic Center LLC, Emporia Fitness, Mental Health Center of East Central Kansas – After Hours, Gowen Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Inc., Rainbow Club, Flint Hills Counseling & Consulting Center, Central Care Cancer Center, Mental Health Center, At-Home Health Care Inc., Newman Family Medicine, and Medical Arts Clinic. photo attribution: armymedicine