The state recommended nursing assistant programs in Warrensburg, Missouri that are currently open for enrollment are all shown to you on this page. By enrolling in this approved course you will become eligible to take the license exams needed to become certified to work.
Warrensburg Area Career Center
205 S Ridgeview Drive
Warrensburg, Mo 64093
660 747-2283
If you are planning on entering the medical field, then you should start to consider becoming a nursing assistant. It is easy to become one if you meet the requirements. These are that you are 18 years old (or enrolled in a high school occupational health class), are not on the state’s disqualification list, and have not been convicted of certain classifications.
The first thing on the list is to find a CNA training program to enroll in. Once you complete your training, you will then be able to apply for the license exams. Nursing students are also allowed to apply so long as they meet the requirements. You can contact an official from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to learn more about qualifications via email at:, or by phone at 573-526-5686.
If you are already a nurse aide from a different state, then you may work in Missouri since they allow reciprocity. In order to get on the Registry, you will also have to take and pass the state’s license exams. Unlike the regular applicants, you will have a different set of requirements that you will submit to the office. You will be asked to provide a copy of your certification, social security card, contact information, and proof of employment. You must have worked for at least 8 hours within the past 2 years.
The license exams are composed of a written examination and a skills demonstration on some of the basic nursing skills. You are required to pass both of them to get your certification. For those who underwent proper training in the state, they will be given 2 additional chances to pass the exam if they happen to fail any portion. The applicant may take the exam on the same date, if the examiner allows it.
This city is a part of Johnson County. It is also the county seat for the said county. It is part of the Warrensburg Micropolitan Statistical Area. Warrensburg has a total area of approximately 8.5 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Its population is 23,218 at last count and the pop density is 1,938.5/sq mile. It was founded in 1856 by Martin Warren. Major roads that you can find in the area include US 50 and Route 13.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the area include Family Practice Assoc Of W Central MO PC, Central Family Medicine Inc., Western Missouri Medical Center, Community Health Partners LLP, Sleep Disorders Clinic, New Beginnings Women’s Center, mediQuik, and many more. photo attribution: militaryhealth