The nursing assistant programs in Tolland, Connecticut that are listed below are all the state licensed courses that are available as of the making of this post. Call the facilities listed below to get recent details about how you can enroll in their certification instruction training.
Woodlake at Tolland
26 Shenipsit Lake Road,
Tolland, CT 06084
(860) 872-2999
If you are looking of an opportunity to start a career in the medical field, you should start to consider on becoming a nursing assistant in Connecticut. This type of profession is one of the most sought jobs in this state. One of the benefits of choosing this job is that it does not take that long to finish you education and get a license. Depending on the program you choose, it will take you about 6 months to finish your training.
Your training will be composed of lectures and skills training. While training, you have to have at least 100 hours of lectures in classrooms on the basic skills needed and apply them on duty in a nursing home for at least 16 hours. After you finish your training, you can then apply for the license exams. If you feel that you are not yet ready to take the exams, you can postpone your application for up to a maximum of 24 months.
All applications for the exams are forwarded to Thomson Prommetric since they are handling all of the CNA license exams. Their exams are composed of two parts, a written and a knowledge demonstration of their skills. Out of the 25 basic nursing skills that were taught during training, only 5 of them will be included in the exams. To get your license you are required to pass both parts of the license exams. Graduates from other nursing courses like LPNs and RNs are also welcome to apply. If you want to find out more, you can call Prometric at 866-499-7485.
Tolland is a town that is a part of Tolland County. This town was given its current name in May, 1715. It was formally incorporated as a town in May, 1722. One theory about the origin of its name was that it was named after Tolland, Somerset in England. This town is bordered by Coventry, Ellington, Stafford, Vernon, Mansfield, and Willington. According to the census of 2010, their total population was at 15,052 people. It has a total area of 40.3 sq miles and a population density of 372.6/sq mile.
Health care providers that you can avail in the city include Bayona Gerald MD, Schweitzer Beth MD, Manchester Obstetrics-Gynecology Associates, Tolland Family Medicine LLC, Skalski Arthur MD, Morosky Michael MD, Koudellou Alexia MD, Flynn Christian M MD LLC, Yencho Michael DR, and many more. photo attribution: departmentofed