If you want to take nursing assistant classes in the city of Gainesville, Georgia you can find the available programs listed below. Included in the list are all the nurse’s aide training programs that you can enroll in, as well as vocational and college courses in the area..
American Professional Institute
675 East Butler Parkway,
Gainesville, GA 30501
(770) 287-0377
Chestatee High School Nurse Aide Training Program
3005 Sardis Rd.,
Gainesville, GA 30506
(770) 532-1162
The Oaks of Limestone
2560 Flintridge Rd.,
Gainesville, GA 30501
(770) 536-3391
Village Nursing Care, Inc.
621 Green Street,
Gainesville, GA 30501
(770) 536-0484
Enrolling in a NATP is one of the first requirements that you must complete when you want to become a nursing assistant. When selecting a program to enroll in, you must look for its certification from the GMCF. It is important that you receive top quality training so you can adjust and adapt to different settings. It is also important that the CNAs in this state meet the hiring requirements of the Medicaid healthcare facilities.
These programs can be found all over the state. They are offered by colleges, high schools, and nursing homes. For them to be certified they must offer their students a minimum of 85 hours of training which must include 24 hours of clinical duties. Depending on the program you enroll in, it will take an average of 2-6 months to complete the program.
When you complete you training, you will be eligible to apply for the nursing assistant license exams. The exams for this state are composed of written and skills evaluations. There are also cases where the written exams are replaced with oral examinations. To get your name entered in the state’s registry, you have to pass all the tests. The registry can explain all of the current requirements to you and answer any questions if you call them at (800) 414-4358 or locally at (678) 527-3010.
This city is the county seat of Hall County. It is a part of the Gainesville, Georgia Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city is sometimes referred to as the chicken capital of the world or Poultry Capital of the World”. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to 33,804 residents. It has a total area of 29.1 sq miles and has a population density of 1,145.7/sq mile.
The Northeast Georgia Medical Center and the Ronnie Greene Heart Center are the main health care facilities that are serving the city. Other health care providers that you can avail include Compassionate Healthcare, Odyssey Healthcare, St Luke Medical Center, Lakeshore Surgical Center, and many more. photo attribution: komunews