The nursing assistant classes in Brandon, Florida that are available are listed in detail below. Contact the school directly to find out the currently available training programs that are being offered in the city of Brandon.
Brandon Adult Community School
1101 Victoria Street,
Brandon, Florida 33510
Phone: 813-744-8131
(Also offers nurse’s aide training classes)
To become a nursing assistant, you must have a CNA license. You will not be able to work as one in Florida if you do not have a certification/license. You will only get a license if your name is entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. To get your name entered there, you must take on the license exams that are conducted by Prometric. There are different requirements that must be met when applying for these exams like passing a state-approved training class, submitting necessary documents like ID photo, fingerprint card, passport sized pictures, transcript of records, as well as the payment for the tests like the background checks. If you fain the background exams, you will not be allowed to take the exams. Having records like theft or offenses that involves drugs or violence can get your application rejected.
If you are a holder of a nurse aide license, then you may work in this state by applying for reciprocity. When you apply your license must still be valid and your name should still be on your state’s Nurse Aide Registry. You will be required to submit proof of your training like a copy of your certification, exam results, as well as the results for the background checks.
This is a census-designated place that is found in Hillsborough. The place was founded back on January 20, 1857 and was named after John Brandon. According to the latest census, their total population was around 103,483 people. Brandon has a total area of approximately 29.3 sq miles and has a population density of 2,658.5/sq mile.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Diabetes Care Club, G & G Treatment Center, CPAP, Professional Medical Transcription Services Inc., Absolute Wellness Center, Family, Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry, Releaf Day Spa, Beth Ingram Therapy Services, Express Care Of Tampa Bay, and many more. photo attribution: usaghumphreys