The certified nurse aide training available in Madison, Indiana that is listed here are all the private colleges, health care center courses, high schools, and community training centers providing instruction at this time. If you want to know more about enrolling, just call a school number that is listed below.
Indiana Healthcare Professionals, LLC.
1417 Bear Street, Suite B, Madison, IN 47250
(812) 273-6900
Ivy Tech Community College
590 Ivy Tech Drive, Madison, IN 47250
(812) 273-0105
The training programs that are located in the state are offered by different training centers such as community training centers, technical colleges, healthcare institutions, and even high schools. According to the state’s requirements, if you wish to work as a nursing aide in Indiana, you have to enroll in one and receive the proper education and training. CNA training programs in the state can be completed in a matter of 8 to 24 weeks of training. This is because the state requires the nursing assistant license exams applicant to have at least 30 hours of classes and 75 hours’ worth of clinical duties. Upon passing a training course and taking the certification exams one may either choose to work in a hospital or a nursing facility.
After you get the proper education and training, you are now ready to take on the certification exams. These exams are the final step in becoming a nursing assistant. Once you pass all the tests, your name will automatically be entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. The license exams for this state are handled by the Ivy Tech Community College; their exams are composed of a written and a skills evaluation. Passing the exams is a must step because the state of Indiana will not allow you to work as a nursing assistant if your name is not entered there. If you are a nursing assistant from a different state then you will have to apply for reciprocity before you will be allowed to work. Those who will apply for reciprocity will have a different set of requirements.
This city is the county seat of Jefferson County. It is located just along the Ohio River. Although the community already started during the early 1800s, it was only on April 1, 1809 that the town was officially incorporated. According to the census of 2000, their population had reached up to 12,004 people. It has a total area of approximately 8.85 sq. miles, where only 0.27 square miles of it is water. The population density of this city is estimated to be around 1,402.9/sq. mile.
Examples of people who are providing health care that are in the city include Dr. Paul Cronen, Dr. Lanny Gore, Dr. Amy Gifaldi, Extended Health Services, Centerstone, Quinco Consulting Associates of Jefferson County, Taustine Eye Center, Convenient Care Center, Madison Dialysis Center, Wortham Counseling Services, Planned Parenthood, Advanced Care Centers, Indiana Healthcare Professional, and Lifespring-Mental Health Services. photo attribution: hollyberrie05