The nurse aide training schools in Jonesboro, Georgia that are shown on this page are all the certification programs currently being offered. For more information about if you qualify and how you can enroll, please call the number provided.
Everest Institute
6431 Tara Blvd.,
Jonesboro, GA 30236
(770) 603-0000
Johnco Institute
650 Mount Zion Road, Suite A,
Jonesboro, GA 30296
(770) 996-2608
In the process of becoming a nursing assistant, you are required to undergo training in a certified NATP. It is the Georgia Medical Care Foundation or the GMCF that oversees all the state’s NATPs and handles the Nurse Aide Registry. This is to make sure that the programs produce high-quality nursing assistants that are able to handle different situations and meet the requirements of the Medicaid healthcare facilities.
These programs can be found all over the state. Listed on this page are the programs that can be found in the area. When you select a program, you have to make sure that the program is approved by the GMCF. Examples of institutions that offer such programs include technical colleges, nursing homes, private schools, high schools, and community training programs.
Most of the programs that are available here can be completed within 6 months of training. A common question is whether a candidate can challenge the State Competency Examination without taking the training? The answer to this is no. One must enroll and complete an approved nurse aide course and then pass both the written/oral and skills competency exams, no more than one year after finishing school instruction.
Once you are through with your training, your next step is to apply for the license exams. When applying, you will need to submit the completed application form and the necessary paperwork which include transcripts, high school diploma, fingerprint cards, passport pictures, and the payments for the different fees. To speak with someone at the state registry about all of the latest requirements and get additional help you can call (678) 527-3010 or (800) 414-4358. There is also a website that provides further clarification at
Jonesboro is the county seat of Clayton County. The name of the city was originally spelled as Jonesborough. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 4,724 people. It has a total area of 2.6 square miles and a population density of 1,418.1/sq mile.
Health care providers that are serving the city include Clayton Health Care, Family Bridge Healthcare Services, CSS Healthcare Services Inc., Spine and Orthopedic Center, Primary Medical Care PC, Crown Healthcare Services, Clayton County Disabilities, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom