Schools that are teaching students to become certified nurse aides in Richfield, Utah are listed in detail below. Courses displayed are approved by the state of Utah and open at this time. Call the phone number listed on this page to get details about class tuition costs, program requirements, and training schedules.
800 West 200 South
Richfield UT 84701
The demand for healthcare providers throughout the United States is constantly increasing. Because of this, a lot of people are now wondering how to start a career in the field of health. If you are one of those people then you should consider becoming a CNA.
Certified nursing aides work under the supervision of the registered nurses. They help them provide nursing care to patients in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, assisted living centers, and other healthcare settings.
To work as a nursing aide, you must get proper training and gain entry to the Utah Nurse Aide Registry. The UNAR is a complete list of all the nursing aides who have successfully met the federal and state’s training and testing requirements.
CNA training in this state comprises of 50 hours of classroom training and 30 hours of supervised clinical practice. Both the classroom and clinical training are taught at the same time. When searching for a program to enroll in, you must make sure that you choose one that is approved by the state.
General requirements to enroll in a nurse aide program:
• Must be at least 16 years old
• Able to speak and understand Basic English
• Physically healthy and free of communicable diseases
• Have at least a high school diploma or a GED certificate
• Be able to pass the federal and state criminal background checks
Most CNA programs can be completed within 6 months. As soon as you are through, you can then apply for the state certification exam. This exam consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a practical skills test. You will need to pass both parts of the exam to get into the UNAR.
Once your name is entered into the UNAR you will be able to work as a nursing assistant in a state-approved healthcare facility. It will be your responsibility to inform the Registry if you ever change your name or address. Your name on the Registry will remain there for 2 years. To keep your eligibility to work as a nursing aide you must renew your certification before it expires. You must work for a minimum of 200 hours to qualify for renewal. If you renew on time your renewal will be free of charge.
This city is the county seat of Sevier County. It is considered as the largest city in southern-central Utah. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 7,551 residents. It has a total area of about 5.3 sq miles and has a population density of 1,424.7/sq mile. You can use Intestate 15 to get to this city.
Examples of health care providers whose services you can avail within the city include Intermountain Richfield Clinic, Richfield Clinic, Intermountain Sevier Valley Clinic, Behavioral Health Associates of Utah LLC, Koosharem Medical Clinic, Intermountain Sevier Valley Clinic, Intermountain Homecare, Mountain View Counseling Center, Brown Jeffrey J Doctor of Osteopathi and Avalon Healthcare. photo attribution: codnewsroom