CNA Classes in Fayette, Alabama that are listed on this page are all the certified nursing assistant classes that are currently open for enrollment. For more information about enrolling in a school training program, please call the number provided.
Morningside of Fayette
404 25th Street, Northwest,
Fayette, AL 35555
(205) 932-4003
Employers that hire nursing assistants will check to ensure you are listed on the Alabama CNA registry before hiring you. To become added to the directory you must attend a state approved nurse aide instruction course and pass the license exams. The training you enroll in must provide the proper amount of hourly classes as well as instruction in clinical hands-on practice and the fundamentals of nursing. During your course you will learn about health care safety procedures, patient care, infection precautions, proper nutrition, CPR, checking vital signs, communication skills, human anatomy, hiring skills, and medical terminology.
After completion of your training you will need to apply to schedule a time to take the two part certification exams. The exams consists of a manual skills and a written competency test. You have up to three attempts to pass the test or you will need to re-take your training course. Those who pass the tests are added to the Nurse Aide Registry and are listed for 24 months. In order to remain listed there you will need to work one 8 hour shift for each 24 month period.
This city is the county seat of Fayette County. According to the last census, their total population was around 4,922 people. It has a total area of approximately 8.7 sq miles, where only 0.1 square mile of it is water. Its population density is estimated to be 565.7/sq mile.
Examples of health care providers that you can find serving the city include Breitling Harold E MD, Johnson E Van MD, Nolen Charles W MD, Hudson Janice MD, Christian Martha Jo MD, Morrison John E DR, Southern Rural Health Care, Fayette County Mental Health Center, Northwest Alabama Mental – Health Center, and many more. photo attribution: carolinaterp