Enrolling in and completing a nurse aide program in Mountain Grove, Missouri will qualify you to be able to take the license exams. Courses will teach you how to properly care for patients under the general guidance of an RN. You should call the school to learn more about how enrolling can help you.
Ozark Mountain Technical Center
211 East Fifth Street
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
417 926-3177
Generally applicants who desire to become certified nurse aides join a course to receive the training required to pass the competency exams and gain experience with providing care. However those with training and experience may challenge the test by applying to the state registry. You can contact them with your inquiries about the qualifications needed or current requirements by calling 573-526-5686.
Passing the license exams is the basic requirements to become a nursing assistant. It is the only way for you to get your name listed on the state’s CNA Registry and for you to get your certificate. When you apply for a job, this will be the most important thing that employers will ask for. Because of the state’s online system, employing healthcare facilities may now check the status of the individual if he is eligible to work as a nursing assistant or not.
To do this, they will need to go to this link: https://webapp01.dhss.mo.gov/cnaregistry/CNASearch.aspx. When looking for the records of the individual, they may either give the person’s full name or his social security number.
Those who want to get a new copy of their certificate will need to contact their certifying association. If they do not know the association responsible, then they may also visit the link provided above and check their own records. They can also call the Health Education Unit at (573) 526-5686 and ask them.
Those who are listed on the registry for 6 months can take the Certified Medication Technician (CMT) course. To qualify you will need to be at least 18 years old, have a GED or high school diploma, not be on the employee disqualification list, and not have any disqualifying convictions.
This city is a part of both Texas and Write Counties. It is situated in south central Missouri. As of the latest census, their total population is at 4,574. The city has a total area of approximately 4.2 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Its population density is 1,091.2/sq mile. This city is a 4th-class city.
Health care providers and centers that you can find within the city limits include Goodwin Gregory R Doctor of Osteopathi, Intrepid USA Healthcare Services, St John’s Clinic, Mountain Grove Medical Complex of Ozarks Medical Center, Department of Mental Health, and Ball Michael D DO. photo attribution: niels_olson