The nursing aide training centers in Henderson Tennessee are offered below. To find out more about enrolling in a training course, you can call them with the phone number provided here. These programs are all authorized by the TN Department of Health and meet state standards.
Chester County High School
552 East Main Street,
Henderson, TN 38340
(731) 989-8125
If you are looking for a way to start a career in healthcare, then there is no better way for you to do so than to become a certified nurse aide or a CNA. Nurse aides are currently one of the most in demand professions not only in Tennessee but throughout the United States. You will not have any problem looking for work once you become certified.
To start off, you must enroll in a state-approved CNA program. This program will train you how to assist the patients living in different health care facilities based on their individual needs. All programs are required to have a total of 75 hours of training. Your training will consist of classroom instructions and clinical training. You will learn different nursing concepts that you will use when taking care of the patients like infection control, emergency procedures, basic CPR, Heimlich maneuver, mental health, aging process, communication techniques/interpersonal skills and many more.
At the end of your training you will receive a certificate of completion. You will use this certificate to show that you have completed the necessary training when you apply for the certification exam. This examination is one of the ways to gain entry into the Nurse Aide Registry. Only the individuals who are found in the Registry are allowed to work in a certified nursing facility. All employers will verify your certificate before hiring you. To do this, they can just go online at
The certification exam consists of a written/oral exam and a skills evaluation of the different nursing skills that were taught in the program. Both of the exams are given on the same day by the Headmaster Testing Service at an approved regional testing site near you. The testing company follows the regulations mentioned in the ADA. If you have any disability that requires special consideration or assistance you can request for it by informing the testing company when you apply.
Your name will only be added to the Registry if you are able to pass all of the exams. The NAR will send you your certificate within 4-6 weeks after your name is entered. To keep your name on the Registry and your certification current, you must renew your certification every 2 years. To be eligible for renewal, you must show proof that you were able to work at least 8 hours within the last 2 years.
The city of Henderson serves as the county seat of Chester County. It is an incorporated city in this county. You can find this city very near to Henderson County, TN. As of the latest census taken, their total population was about 5,670 people. They had a population density of 991.6/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 5.7 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of the health care facilities and clinics that are found in the city include Chester County Nursing Home, Main Street Family Medicine Inc., Melaro Behavior Consultants, Prime Care Medical Center, Transsouth Healthcare, Quinco-Chester County Counseling Center, Burns Chiropractic Clinic, Henderson Health Center, and Medical Center Ems – West Tennessee Healthcare. photo attribution: westconn