The certified nurse aide classes in Waynesboro, Georgia that you can enroll in right now are listed here. These programs have been licensed by the state and meet recent requirements for certification. Call the school contact number to get more details about how you can join.
Brentwood Terrace Health Care
115 Brentwood Drive,
Waynesboro, GA 30830
(706) 554-4425
To become a nursing assistant, you have to first receive the proper education and training. You can do so by enrolling in CNA classes. Before you enroll, you should make sure that the program is certified by the Georgia Medical Care Foundation. These programs can be found being offered by different institutions like government approved nursing facilities, technical colleges, private schools, and high schools. Depending on the program you choose, it takes about 2 to 6 months to finish a program.
Programs are required by the state to offer a minimum of 85 hours of health care instruction. This is typically made up of classroom and laboratory work, plus it must include a minimum of 24 hours of experience in clinical practice in a setting similar to a nursing home. You can get further details about the latest requirements by calling (678) 527-3010 or (800) 414-4358.
When you finish a program, you will become eligible to apply for the license exams. You will need to submit the necessary forms and documents like high school diploma, proof of completing a training program, fingerprint cards, ID photo, passport sized pictures, and the payment for the different fees. You can get a copy of the application forms at
Taking the license exams is an important step since the state does not allow any individuals to work long-term as a nursing assistant without meeting the different requirements. If you are already working as one, you must enroll in a program and take the CNA license exams within 4 months from the start of your work. Exams are held in two parts and are a requirement before one is added to the nurse aide registry.
This city is the county seat of Burke County. The city is sometimes referred “The Bird Dog Capital of the World”. The city is a part of the Augusta, Georgia metropolitan area. According to the census of 2000, their total population was around 5,813. The city is has a total area of 5.6 sq miles, where almost all of it is land. Its population density is about 1,038/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers that are serving the city include BMC Physicians Office /Surgeon, Brentwood Terrace Health Center, Medical Specialists Inc., University Home Health Services, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom