Students who wish to join nurse aide school classes in Hettinger, North Dakota can find the recent courses listed here. All applicants will need to meet certain qualifications as well as enroll in a program authorized by the state in order to be allowed to take the license exams.
Western Horizons Care Center
1104 Highway 12 RR2, Hettinger, ND 58639
(701) 567-2401
One of the reasons why there are a great number of people training to become a nursing aide is because of its practicality. Not only is the training quick and affordable, many states including North Dakota allows individuals who are still training to become a nursing aide to already start working.
Because of the high demand for the profession, aspiring nursing aides will have no problems looking for a suitable training program near their area to enroll in. On average, the training programs in North Dakota take about 5 to 8 weeks to complete. For those who are hired as a nursing aide by a licensed healthcare facility prior to enrolling will not be charged with any of the training fees. These expenses will be shouldered by the employer.
For those who are not working while training, they can still get reimbursed for their training if they are able to find work within a year from getting certified. The advantage of not working while training is the absence of time restrain. Those who are already employed only have a maximum of 4 months to get their certificates; where as those who are not working have a maximum of 2 years to pass both the written/oral and the skills exam.
When you are enrolled in a CNA training program, you must meet a minimum set of hours that will be divided into lectures and clinical experience. If you are already working in a nursing facility or other health care settings, you may qualify to get your training for free. They will only add a few hours of classroom lectures before you can complete the program. If you complete the training, you can then apply for the state exams.
If you want to attain a higher course after becoming a certified nursing aide, you can train to become a medication assistant II. To work as a medication assistant, you must also get your name on the MA Registry, which is also run by the state’s Department of Health.
To become one, you will need to complete a medication assistant training program. This program consists of 40 hours of lectures, 8 hours of laboratory work, and another 32 hours of clinical duties. In addition to your CNA training, you will also be trained in drug classification, dosage and measurement forms, administration techniques, infection control, and more medical terminologies. There will also be additional testing that you must pass in order to get your MA II license.
Like the CNA license, advance licenses also expire after 2 years. In order for them to be renewed, you must do some qualified work as a medication assistant or the advance role that you trained for. You must also keep your nursing aide license valid to renew your advance license. In some states, there may also be some additional in-service that may be required.
Hettinger is the county seat of Adams County. It was founded along the Pacific Extension back in 1907. As of the 2010 census, their total population of the city is estimated to be around 1,226 residents. The total area of Hettinger is estimated to be around 0.86 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find serving this city include West River Rehabilitation & Wellness Center, West River Health Services, Take Care Clinic at select Walgreens, Hoerauf Kent, Jacobsen Thomas, Thorngren Frank, Berg Vanessa, Joyce John, Willoughby Brian, and many more. photo attribution: sirlyric