The certified nursing assistant training that is open for enrollment in Niantic, Connecticut as of the making of this page is listed in detail below. If you have any questions about their certification instruction, feel free to call the number below.
Unified School District 1
201 West Main Street,
Niantic, CT 06357
(203) 739-5413
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is enrolling in a CNA training program that is approved y the state. You have to make sure that they program is certified so that you can make sure that you will be able to take the license exams after you complete your training. Most of the training programs that are found in Connecticut can be completed within 6 months. To complete your training, you must have at least 100 hours of lectures and skills training. It should take you from 2 to 6 months to complete the program.
As a nursing assistant student, you will be taught on the different concepts that were identified by the federal and the state. Examples of such concepts include infection control, mental health, rehabilitation, communication skills, and resident’s rights and independence. You will also be trained on competency skills like proper hand washing, assisting in bathing, dressing, feeding, ambulation, performing in ROM exercises. Out of the 25 different competency skills that will be taught to you, only five of them will be tested during the second part of the license exams.
The completion of a training program will make you eligible to apply for the license exams. When you apply, you must send in the completed application form, which can be downloaded at, and the needed documents like proof of your training, ID photo, fingerprint cards, and the payment for the exam fees. You will also need to undergo immunizations and be cleared for any communicable diseases. Aside from the completion of a training program, another important requirement is passing the background checks. You will not be allowed to take the license exams if you are not able to pass a copy of the results.
Niantic is both a census-designated place and a village that is located in the Town of East Lyme. This village can be found on Long Island Sound. The bay there is a very popular fishing and swimming site. According to the last census that was taken there, their total population was around 3,085 people. It has a total area of 3.5 square miles, where more than half (2.1 square miles) of it is water. Their population density is about 2,110.3 people per square mile.
Examples of health care providers that are serving this village are East Lyme Pediatric Clinic LLC, Malik Saida MD, Lawrence & Memorial Physician Association Internal Medicine, Thompson David D Jr MD, Palker Neil A MD, Giordano Joan MD, Cloutier Family Practice, and L & M Physician Association. photo attribution: departmentofed