You can find the schools providing certified nursing assistant programs in Lyons, Kansas listed in detail below. These courses are all KDADS approved and are available for enrollment at this time. Please call the number below to find out the latest information about how to sign-up.
Good Samaritan Society Lyons
1311 South Douglas Avenue, Lyons, KS 67554
(620) 257-5163
The completion of a state approved training program is one of the most important steps in becoming a CNA in Kansas. When you are looking for a program to enroll in, you should only choose one that is approved by the state. You can find these programs almost anywhere in the state. They are offered by different educational and training institutions and will take an average of 8 to 13 weeks to complete your training. Your training will be composed of classroom instructions, skills training, and clinical duties. It is important that at the end of your training, you will have accumulated a total amount of 90 hours of training. The completion of a state-approved program will make you eligible to apply for the license exams.
Taking the license exams is an important step since it is the only way for you to get your name entered in the state’s Nurse Aide Registry. To do that, you will need to pass both the written and the skills evaluation exams in order to be given active status on the registry. If you think that you are not yet ready, you may postpone taking the exams for up to 2 years. Call the Kansas Nurse Aide Registry at (785) 296-6877 to talk with a support person and get additional help. They also have a website you can visit for helpful information at Once certified your license will be valid for two years and will expire on the last day of your birth month. You can either choose to renew it online or through the mail.
This city is the county seat of Rice County. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 3,739 people. It had a population density of 1,700/sq mile. The total area of Lyons is approximately 2.2 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are currently found in the city are Lyons Medical Center, Holcomb Murray, Levans Allison, Schletzbaum Jeffery J OD, Wiens Lynn A, Schlotterback Mathew MD, Liska David L DC, Rice Community Healthcare Foundation, The Center for Counseling, Norman Chiropractic Wellness Center, and many more. photo attribution: codnewsroom