The certified nursing assistant schools in Kodiak, Alaska that are currently open for enrollment are listed here. If you have any questions about enrolling in a state licensed training course, feel free to call one of the phone numbers provided below.
Kodiak College
117 Benny Benson Drive,
Kodiak, AK 99615
Director: Megan Kouremetis
(907) 486-9218 or 539-2805
Providence Kodiak Island Hospital
1915 East Rezanof,
Kodiak, AK 99615
(907) 486-2318
To get your certification in the state of Alaska it is a requirement to take a state approved nursing assistant training program. To get a license, you must pass the competency exams given by the state. You cannot take the exams without receiving any proper instructions. You must complete a training program in order to learn all the necessary skills and knowledge that will be covered during the exams. The program must offer a total of a least 140 hours of combined training including 80 hours of experience working in a clinical setting, and 60 hours of classroom coursework. You can get the latest information about what you need to become certified by calling the Alaska Nurse Aide Registry at (907) 269-8161.
Those who are certified and added to the nurse aide registry will still need to maintain their status there. This is often accomplished by submitting verification of having worked in a health care facility over the previous two years.Normally you will receive notification when your license needs to be renewed and will have some time to submit the needed materials from your employer.
This city is a part of Kodiak Island Borough. Kodiak is the main city that is on Kodiak Island. The earliest settlers of the area dated back over 7,000 years. The establishment of the town however was during the early 18th century. The city had a total population of 6,228 people during the 2008 census. It has a total area of about 6.8 sq miles, and has a population density of 1,153/sq miles.
Health care facilities that you can find in the area include Providence Kodiak Island Counseling Center, Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center, Kodiak Island Ambulatory Care Clinic, Behavioral Health Aide, Kodiak Psychology Services, Behavioral Resource Consultants, Kodiak Vision Clinic, and Kodiak Community Health Center. photo attribution: abbeyfieldkent