Enrolling in certified nursing assistant classes can assist you will gaining the knowledge to pass the competency exams. You can see all of the schools found in Kennet, Missouri in the list below. If you know other state recognized instruction programs that are being offered here, please contact us and we will add them to the page.
Kennett Career & Tech Center
1400 W Washington St
Kennett, Mo 63857
573 717-1123
Taking the CNA license exam is one of the ways to get your name on the NA Registry. Once it is on the Registry, you will then be able to work as a nursing assistant. To be eligible to take the exam you will need to enroll in a school course that is approved by the state or get approval to challenge the exam.
To challenge you need to get a letter letter of approval from the Missouri Certified Nurse Assistant Registry. If you decide to enroll in a instruction course it must be state recognized and offer 75 hours of classroom training and 100 hours on clinical skills practice. You have up to six months to complete the course.
The license exams are composed of a written and a practical exam. They are conducted either at a college or a nursing facility. Every applicant must be able to pass both exams to get his/her certification. When taking the exams, you must be respectful of the examiner since they have the authority to prevent you from taking the exams that day.
If you failed at least one exam, you will be given 2 more chances to pass. If the examiner allows it, you may immediately ask to retake the portion that you have failed. If you want more time to prepare, you will be given a maximum of 90 days to retake the exams. The 2 chances must be used within 90 days from the time that you first took the exams. You will need to renew your license every 2 years to keep your status active and your name on the Registry.
This city is situated in Dunklin County. It has a total population of more than 10,707 people, as of the last census. This is also the county seat for Dunklin County. You can find this city about 4 miles east of Arkansas and a few miles from the Mississippi River. It has a total area of approximately 8.7 sq miles and a population density of about 1,691.4/sq mile. The earliest records of inhabitants date back to the early parts of the 19th century.
Health care centers that you can find in the area include Health Care At Home (870) 598-5566, General Baptist Health Care (870) 598-1020, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corp (870) 762-5620, Dixie Health Care Inc. (870) 763-7322, and Heartland Health Care (870) 762-1151. photo attribution: armymedicine