On this page are the certified nurse aide programs located in Jamestown, New York that are open for students to enroll in. Those who successfully complete the course can become eligible to schedule a date to pass the certification tests that allow one to become licensed and hired long term by care facilities.
Jamestown Community College
525 Falconer Street, Jamestown, NY 14701
(716) 665-5220
(Classes are being offered to RN Students only)
Some training programs want to conduct the competency examinations in their own facility. This is for the benefit of their students. If they want to do in-facility testing, they will need to get approval from Prometric by filling out the In-Facility Testing application form. To have a successful testing, the training program must designate an individual who will be responsible for coordinating the exams with Prometric.
The individual as well as the training program will be responsible for:
• Make sure that every student of theirs has received or downloaded a copy of the NYS Nursing Home Nurse Aide Certification handbook and were encouraged to read it.
• Submit the in-facility testing application forms to Prometric at least 10 working days before the requested examination date. The forms will already include the candidate’s application forms and the payment for the fees.
• Providing the necessary space before the start of the license exams.
• Orient the NAE to the exam and candidate waiting areas, and other resources like the restrooms.
• Establish the procedures to ensure that the candidate that will do the role of the resident for each skills test will be possible.
To help the candidate when taking the exams, the nursing facility is recommended to remind them to bring the necessary items and wear the appropriate clothing. The candidates should also be reminded to come in early so to avoid being late. Tardy candidates will no longer be allowed to enter the exam room and take the exams. All payments for those candidates will automatically be forfeited.
If a nurse aide candidate is unable to take the exam on the appointed schedule, he/she should immediately inform the training program’s coordinator. It will be the coordinator’s role to inform Prometric of the reason and request to have the candidate’s exam date rescheduled. To avoid forfeiting the testing fees, Prometric must be informed no less than 5 days before the exam date.
This city can be found in Chautauqua County. It was founded back in 1810 and was named after James Prendergast, who was one of the earliest settlers. You can find it situated near the tip of Chautauqua Lake. According to the 2010 census, their total population was around 31,146 people. It has a total area of approximately 9.1 sq miles and has a population density of 3,534.6/sq mile.
The WCA Hospital is one of the biggest employers in the city. Other health care centers that you can find serving the city include Compassionate Christian Counseling, Associated Healthcare, Counseling and Psychiatric Services, Family Health Center, Jamestown Primary Care, Allied Healthcare Systems, Cancer Treatment Center, and The Heritage Group. photo attribution: create-learning