The facilities with open enrollment for nursing assistant training in Fort Scott, Kansas listed here have all the information that you need to become licensed. To get more information of how to join their program or receive details about their schedule or tuition, just call the school listed below.
Fort Scott Community College
2108 South Hoton Street, Fort Scott, KS 66701
(620) 768-2908
Before you enter a nursing assistant training program, you should be aware of the job duties and requirements it takes to become certified. Typically those in this field are tasked with taking care of the patients and their families with the use of the basic nursing skills that they learned in the training program. They will be helping patients maintain their hygiene, keep their rooms neat and tidy and, when needed, offer help and support to the patient’s family.
Enrolling in a program is one of the basic prerequisites to become a nursing assistant. Before you enter a program, you should make sure that the program is certified by the state (KDADS approved). This is to ensure that after you complete your training, you will become eligible to apply for the exams. You can find these programs almost anywhere in the state and are offered by different training institutions. As of this time CNA classes must offer at least 90 hours of instruction in fundamental health care related skills and task practice.
Those who completed a nurse aide program are not the only ones who are allowed to apply for the exams. Nurses from other countries may apply as well. When they apply, they are also required to meet the minimum required hours for practical training. You can speak with a representative of the Kansas Nurse Aide Registry by calling (785) 296-6877 to learn if you qualify. Passing all the tests in the CNA exams will get your name entered in the Registry. The state doesn’t allow any individual whose name is not in the Registry to work in any nursing facility as a nursing assistant. Since the state is stricter as compared to other states when it comes to their nurse aides, no one is excepted from the exams, not even those who are applying for reciprocity.
This city is the county seat of Bourbon County. It is located on the Marmaton River and is about 88 miles south from Kansas City. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 8,087 people. They had a population density of 1,500/sq mile. The total area of this city is approximately 5.4 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of facilities that offer health care include Humphrey Counseling, Cancer Center of Kansas At Ft Scott, Fort Scott Chiropractic, Grantham Herbert G MD – Hospital, Mercy Medical Plaza Outpatient Specialty Clinic, Choices Psychological Services, Urgent Care, Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center, Newman Young Clinic, Mercy Physician Group – After Hours, and many more.