The certified nursing assistant schools located in Dayton, Tennessee that are shown on this page are all the classes that are open for you to enroll in as of the moment. Programs are all verified by the TN Department of Health and meet testing standards.
Laurelbrook Nursing Home
114 Campus Dr.,
Dayton, TN 37321
(423) 775-0771
The first step in becoming a nurse aide in Tennessee is to enroll in a state-approved training program. These programs are required to teach all the basic theoretical components that were defined by the state and federal regulations. Their curriculum must include 75 hours of instruction with no less than 16 hours of clinical training, where their students will also learn to apply 25 different nursing skills. Approved programs are taught at different training institutions. Many of the can be completed within 3-4 months.
By completing a training program, you will be eligible to apply for the competency exam. Military-trained medics can also apply for the exams if they wish to work as a nurse aide. Unlike some states, registered nurses and licensed practical nurses who wish to gain entry into the Tennessee NAR must also take the exam if they wish to work as a nurse aide.
The competency exam is divided into two parts – a knowledge test and a random practical skills evaluation. Testers have the option to take the exam in its written or oral exam. Regardless of which, the knowledge test takes 90 minutes to answer all 75 questions. All questions will be multiple-choice items. You will need to get a 70% or more on the written portion to pass.
In the skills evaluation, the testers are given 30 minutes to perform all nursing skills. If you wish to see a complete list of the skills that may come out of the exam, you can download a copy of the Candidate Handbook at
If you pass both parts within 3 attempts and within 24 months after completing your training, you will get certified. Your CNA card will be sent to your address within 4-6 weeks after passing. CNA certifications in Tennessee are only valid for 24 months. You must renew your certification before it expires. No nurse aide is allowed to work within an expired certification. If you wish to get back into the NAR, you will have to start all over again.
The city of Dayton serves as the county seat of Rhea County. The area was settled back around 1820 and was originally named as Smith’s Crossroads. It was only in 1877 that it was renamed into its current name. As of the census of 2010, their total population went down from 9,050 to 7,191 people. Its last estimated population density was 1,100/sq mile. The total area of the city is approximately 6.4 sq miles, where its vast majority is land.
Examples of health care providers that are available in Dayton include Cross Roads Resource Agency, Dialysis Clinic Inc., Friendship Circle Peer Support Center, Rhea County Primary Care Center, Physicians Care, Dialysis Clinic Inc., Friendship Circle Peer Support Center, and Women’s Care Center. photo attribution: westconn