Those who are interested in becoming licensed to work as a nursing assistant can find the available training classes in Elk Grove, California listed on this page. By calling to speak with a representative of a school listed here one can get information on how to become certified, taking the certification exam, program scheduling, or tuition fees.
Windsor Elk Grove Care and Rehabilitation Center
9461 Batey Avenue
Elk Grove, CA 95624
(916) 685-9525
(Multiple Classes are available)
Becoming a nursing aide can be one of the best career choices you can make. Health care can be a very rewarding profession and this entry level occupation can be a great stepping stone to higher advanced positions. According to the rules of the state, people with different educational levels may apply for the programs; they could have a high school diploma, a college degree, or an associate’s degree.
The first step in becoming a nursing aide is to complete a training program that is approved by the CDPH. Upon enrollment, you will be fingerprinted through the Live Scan process for the background check for criminal records. If you have any criminal records that prevent you from being certified, you will be notified. Approved training programs are required to teach a minimum of 150 hours of training. Your training will consist of classroom lectures and clinical practice while under the supervision of a clinical instructor. Even as a student, you will already have the chance to know what it is like to take care of actual patients as a nursing aide.
During your instruction you will learn a variety of healthcare procedures and techniques to help you care for patients in the proper way while being part of a team environment. Some of the skills you will learn include: Taking & recording vital/health signs (Weight, Temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure, and Respiration,) assisting with the transportation of residents, bathing/toileting, catheter care, dressing, nourishment, range of motion exercises, housekeeping duties, safety protocols/infection control, and communicating with patients and their family. You will need to complete this form ( and send it to the ATCS to apply.
After completing your training, you will be ready to challenge the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam. You can only work in CA as a nursing aide if you are certified. If you have never been certified before, then passing this exam is the only way for you to do it. This exam consists of a written/oral test and a practical skills evaluation of random nursing skills. Both of these exams are given at approved regional testing sites by Pearson VUE. If you wish to find out more about the exams, you can go to their website at and download a copy of the Candidate Handbook. This handbook is the most comprehensive resource for the nurse aide exams.
You must pass all the tests in the NNAAP exam in order to get certified. Each candidate is given only 3 attempts to pass all the tests. The Aide and Technician Certification Section is responsible for certifying nursing aides in California. If you pass, you will receive your certificate which you will use when you apply for work. You can only work in this state as a CNA if you have a valid certificate. CNA certificates in California are only valid for 2 years.
It will be your responsibility to renew your certification before it expires. No employee will be allowed to continue working with an expired certificate. If you wish to find out about your status on the Registry you can go to and search for your record by providing your certification number or complete name. You can also call the main automated response number at (916) 327-2445.
Elk Grove is a city that is part of Sacramento County. You can find it just south of the state capital of Sacramento. As of the latest census, their population has now reached up to 153,015. It is the second most populous city in the entire county. It was considered the fastest growing city in the country back in 2004-2005. It has a total area of 42.239 sq miles and a population density of 3,622.6/sq miles.
Health centers located in the city include Health for All Adult Day Health Care, Briarwood Health Care, UC Davis Health System Human Resources, Alliance of Catholic Health Care, State of California Managed Health Care, McKinley Health Care Center, Kaiser Permanente Health Care – TDD Phone Pediatrics, and Golden Days Adult Health Care Center. photo attribution: ufv