The CNA classes located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that are shown here offer the current list of training programs that you can enroll in. For any questions, please contact the school facilities listed below.
Harrisburg Area Career Center
349 Wiconisco Street, 3 Penn Center,
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Dauphin County Area Vocational Technical School
6001 Locust Lane,
Harrisburg, PA 17109
(717) 652-3170
TLC Institute
Mailing Address: Box 6567, Harrisburg, PA 17112
School Location: 1031 Oak Knoll Dr, Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 671-7110
Training to become a nurse aide in Pennsylvania is one of the best ways to start a career in the field of health. Compared to other careers, becoming a nurse aide is quicker and much more affordable. Just because you have learned how to function as a nurse aide doesn’t mean that you can start your career as one. A nurse aide who is not listed on the Nurse Aide Registry is not allowed to work in any Medicare or Medicaid nursing facility.
Employers are required to verify if their applicant is certified by going to to check. If you wish to gain entry into the NAR, you need to pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam or NNAAP exam.
Enrolling in a state-approved CNA program is a requirement that must be met first for those who have not received any proper training. CNA training in this state consists of a total of 80 hours of instructions of which 37.5 hours are allocated for supervised clinical practice. During the duration of the program, students are placed under the supervision of a registered nurse who is qualified to handle nurse aide students. Depending on the program you choose, it may take you 3-4 months to complete your training.
School programs must be approved by the state and provide theoretical course work as well as clinical practice. You must also undergo physical examinations, to see if you are fit, and pass a routine background check. Unlike many states, clearing the background checks for criminal records is necessary before one can enroll in a program. In-state residents are allowed to work for 30 days while awaiting the FBI background checks. No individual may enroll in a CNA program without passing the checks. After all of those requirements have been met, you can then apply for the state license exams.
The NNAAP exam is conducted by the American Red Cross with the help of Pearson VUE. You can get an application form by visiting or If you need help completing the forms, you may ask your instructor for help or call the American Red Cross at (800) 795-2350. Application forms must be submitted along with the payment fee of $102 in one envelope to:
American Red Cross
1804 North Sixth Street,
Harrisburg, PA 17102
There are two parts of the NNAAP exams – a manual skills exam and a written exam. The written exam may be replaced with an oral examination if the candidate has trouble reading. The written test consists of multiple choice questions based on fundamental nursing related duties. The manual skills test will have you demonstrate 5 of the skills you learned during your program instruction.
Candidates are required to pass both tests within 24 months after completing their training to get into the Nurse Aide Registry. Each candidate is permitted three attempts within the 24 month period to pass. If a candidate fails to pass within the given time or attempts, he or she will have to complete another training program.
You will need to bring the following on your exam day:
1. Two recent, valid I.D.s;
2. Three #2 pencils with/without an eraser;
3. Eraser;
4. Social security number or SS card;
5. Watch with a second hand (for the 2nd portion of the exams).
The exam results are released on the same day if there are no technical problems. Once you pass, your name will be entered into the state’s NAR, and you will be allowed to work in any federal approved health care facility for two years. Your Registry Card, which you must show to your employer, will be sent to your mailing address within 3 weeks after passing.
If you have previously been certified as a nursing assistant in another state, taken college nurse courses are been trained as a nurse in the military you may qualify to apply for reciprocity. Contact the Pennsylvania Nurse Aide Registry at (800) 852-0518 to get more information.
Harrisburg is the state capital of Pennsylvania. It is also the county seat of Dauphin County. You can find this city on the eastern bank of the Susquehanna River. It is also about 105 miles from Philadelphia. The city is also known as “Pennsylvania’s Capital City”. It was founded back in 1719 by John Harris, Sr.; this is also where the name of the city was derived from. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 49,528 people with a population density of 6,114/sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be about 11.4 sq miles, where 3.3 sq miles of it is water.
The Harrisburg Hospital, Polyclinic Medical Center are two of the biggest employers in the city. They both belong to the Pinnacle Health System. Other health care centers that are found in the area include Arimo Healthcare, STD Test Express, Alzheimer’s Association Greater PA Chapter, Crisis Intervention of Dauphin County, Dental Health Associates, and many more. photo attribution: ufv