Enrolling in schools that teach nurse aide classes in Live Oak, California is the first step to becoming certified to work. All the approved instruction programs are shown to you in the list below. For more information about enrolling, class schedules, or getting your certification, call the number provided.
Live Oak Manor Nurse Aide Training Program
9000 Larkin Road,
Live Oak, CA 95953
(530) 695-8020
If you are looking to start a job as a nursing aide in California, it would be beneficial to know what the requirements are. Knowing what you need to do and how to meet the requirements will help you make things easier.
People with different educational backgrounds can become a nursing aide by enrolling in a CNA training program. Most programs require only a high school diploma or a GED to get in. When selecting a program to enroll in, make sure to choose one that is approved by the California Department of Public Health.
The CDPH requires training programs to consist of a minimum of 50 hours of classroom lectures and 100 hours of clinical practice while under the supervision of a registered nurse. A program can increase the training hours by providing a schedule and lesson plan to the CDPH upon application for certification. They will teach 16 different modules that would cover topics like infection control, mental health, communication skills, safety and emergency procedures, and patients’ rights and independence. During the training, students will be under the supervision of a qualified Instructor.
Once you complete your training, you can then apply for the NNAAP exam. This exam will consist of a written/oral exam as well as a practical skills evaluation of some of the nursing skills that were covered during training. Candidates must pass all the tests to get certified. Each candidate is can reapply to retake the exam up to two times within 24 months after completing training. If a candidate still fails after the third attempt, he will be required to undergo retraining before he can retake the exam.
When applying for the NNAAP exam, you will need to complete the application forms (http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/070508.pdf) and submit it with the payment fee of $90 to your nearest Regional Testing Center. You can check the CNA Candidate Handbook for the address of your local testing sites. Payments must only be in the form of money orders, company checks, or personal checks. Cash and personal checks will not be accepted. Payments done on the exam day are also not accepted.
If you pass all the tests, the Aide and Technician Certification Section will send you your CNA certificate within 10 business days after you pass. You can use the certificate to show your employer that you are a CNA. If it does not arrive within 30 days after you passed, please call the ATCS at (916) 327-2445.
This city is part of Sutter County. It is also part of the Yuba City Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is just within Great Sacramento CSA. As of the latest census, they have a total population of about 8,392. The total area of Live Oak is approximately 1.869 sq miles. Its population density is 4,490.1/sq miles. The economy of the city is mostly focused on agricultural productions.
Examples of health care centers that you can find near the area include Dominican Family Practice: Dominican Medical Foundation, Bay Eye Medical Group, Santa Cruz Ear Nose & Throat, Central Coast Sleep Disorders, Santa Cruz Comprehensive, and Santa Cruz Emergency Physical Medical Grp. photo attribution: westconn