The training to become a certified nursing assistant located in Lincoln, California are available for you on this page. Below you will find all of the currently available facilities and health care center based classes that are state authorized and you can enroll in within this town.
Lincoln Manor Care Center Nurse Aide Training Course
1550 3rd Street,
Lincoln, CA 95648
(916) 645-7761
To work as a nurse aide in California you must be certified by the Aide and Technician Certification Section. This can be done by passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program exam or the NNAAP exam. The state has authorized Pearson VUE to help conduct, score, and release the results of the exams. You can also visit to download a copy of the Candidate Handbook, which contains detailed information about the exams.
Applicants for the NNAAP exams are required to complete a state-approved training program. If you are still searching for a CNA training program to enroll in, please make sure to enroll one that is approved by the CA Department of Public Health. Registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, nursing students, graduates can also apply for the exams.
Upon starting the training program, candidates are required to complete the Initial Applications Form ( and submit it to the ATCS in MS 3301, P.O. Box 997416, Sacramento, California 95899-7416. Once the candidate completes his training, he can then complete the application packet ( to take the NNAAP exams and send it to the nearest Regional Testing Center.
North Regional Testing Center
Mission College
3000 Mission College Blvd MS 19
Santa Clara, California 95054
Phone: (408) 855-5203 or (408) 855-5216
Fax: (408) 855-5213
Southern Regional Testing Center
Golden West College
15744 Golden West Street
Forum I, Room 112A
Huntington Beach, California
Phone: (714) 895-8708
Fax: (714) 895-8994
Make sure that all requirements are completed before sending your application. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Once the testing center receives your application, they will send you a letter that will contain information about your exam. Please arrive at the testing center at least 20 minutes before the actual scheduled time. Latecomers are not allowed to enter the testing area once the exam has started.
The NNAAP exam is divided into two parts. The first is the written/oral knowledge test while the second is the clinical skills test. Both of the exams are taken on the same day, so plan your day accordingly. Candidates are required to pass both parts to get certified. If there are no technical problems, you will receive your score at the end of the day.
The ATCS sends out the CNA certificates of those who pass within 10 business days. If you do not receive yours within 30 days, it will be your responsibility to call the CDPH at (916) 327-2445. You can also follow this link to see other contact numbers and information:
This is a city that is part of Placer County. As a town, this city once belonged to Madera County. You can find this city in the metropolitan area of Sacramento. It is also part of the Sacramento-Roseville Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the latest census, they have a total population of about 42,819. Lincoln has a total area of 20.130 sq miles.
Examples of health care centers that you can find in the city include Sutter Medical Group, Lincoln Internal Medicine, RAI Dialysis Care Center, Aviva Medical Group, Lincoln Podiatry Center & Foot, Arbonne International, Stunning Skin by Kim, and Noevir Skincare. photo attribution: westconn