Those who want to join classes to find out how to become a certified nursing assistant in Gardena, California can locate the available schools below. For more information about enrolling in a state approved program, just contact their phone number from this page.
Trinity Vocational Center/M-Th
1149 W. 190TH Street, Suite 2000
Gardena, CA 90248
(310) 834-1308
Your Purpose Training Institute
14909 Crenshaw Blvd. #205
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 978-4800
Gerthill Allied Health School
825 West Gardena Blvd
Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 327-6977
(Night classes are also being offered here)
Becoming a certified nurse aide or a home health aide is considered as two of the best ways to enter the field of medicine. Both these professions are entry-level. Compared to other courses, you can become either of the two in a matter of a few weeks.
The first step in becoming a nurse aid is to enroll in a state-approved training program. To make sure that the program is approved and provides proper training one should make sure if they are approved by the ATCS. This is the agency that is in-charge of approving training program. State-approved training programs are required to offer a minimum of 150 hours of theoretical lessons and practical training. Students are handled by clinical instructors, and are taught different topics such as medical terminologies, human anatomy, vital signs, basic nursing care, personal care, communication techniques, roles and responsibilities, and patient rights and independence.
You may only be allowed to apply for a license if you have undergone proper training. You are also required to pass the background checks. Aside from these two important requirements, some other requirements are to submit ID photos, immunization records and physical examinations undertaken, completed applications forms, as well as pay the fees for the exams. You can get more information about the nurse aide certification registry by calling the California Department of Public Health at 916-327-2445.
There isn’t that much of a difference between a home health aide and a nurse aide. CNAs are allowed to perform the tasks that a home health aide can because their training includes the important concepts taught in an HHA program. One of the biggest differences that you can distinguish between them is the working place. Most HHAs can only be found working in the patient’s own home while nurse aides can be found working in nursing homes, hospitals, long-term care centers, rehabilitation centers, and others.
If you wish to further your learning and make the most of your training period, you might want to think about enrolling in an HHA program. Individuals who are already enrolled in a CNA program are only required to complete a 40-hour HHA program to become a home health aide. The things that you will learn in the HHA program will supplement all the lessons you will learn in the CNA program.
Once you are through with your training, the next step is to take on the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Examination. This exam was designed to determine if an aspiring nurse aide candidate is competent to work in a state-approved nursing facility. It consists of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a skills evaluation exam.
You will only get certified if you are able to pass all the tests. Every candidate is given 3 attempts to pass. These attempts are only valid within 2 years after completing one’s training. If you fail to get certified within that time or attempts, you must complete another training program before you can reapply.
Gardena is a city that is in Los Angeles County. The population of the city as of last year’s census is 58,829. The total land area of the place is 5.9 square miles. The city is bordered by places like Athens, Los Angeles, Torrance, Alondra Park, and Hawthorne.
Among the top employers of the city is the Memorial Hospital of Gardena. They rank second as the company with the most employees which is around 600. Other health centers in the area include VA Gardena Clinic, South Atlantic Medical Group, Beach Cities Dialysis, Mike’s Clock Clinic, Gardena Medical Plz, and Miracle Pain Care Clinic. photo attribution: create-learning