The nurse aide courses in Bridgeville, Pennsylvania that are being offered as of the making of this page are shown below. To find out how to enroll, you can call the program listed below. Classes listed have had prior approval by the PA Dept. of Health.
Country Meadows Nursing Center
3590 Washington Pike,
Bridgeville, PA 15017
(412) 257-4581
A CNA certification is a requirement to work in a Medicare/Medicaid healthcare facility in the State of Pennsylvania. Before you can get certified, you must first learn how to become a nursing assistant. There are different ways how a person can acquire the competencies needed to become certified; one of these ways is by enrolling in a program.
CNA programs are being offered by hospitals, community colleges, nursing homes, government organizations, and other institutions and schools. To ensure that your training will meet OBRA standards, you must only select a program that is approved by the state’s Department of Education. Approved programs are required to offer a minimum of 80 hours of instructions. When enrolled, you will be spending most of your time in the classroom for theories and in the clinical area for on-the-job training.
You must attend a training course that has been approved by the state of PA before you may take the license exams. In addition you will need to submit a completed application, photo I.D’s, TB test, proof of immunizations, and consent to a background check. Those who pass a program have up to 24 months to take the certification exams.
Enrolling in a state-certified CNA program is one way of establishing eligibility for the NNAAP exams. A nursing student who completed at least one semester of nursing school may also apply for the exams if he or she is able to provide proof of education and training such as a diploma or a transcript.
The NNAAP exams consist of two parts – a written exam and a skills evaluation test. Both tests are conducted on the same day at an approved testing facility. The license exams will test you on many of the skills you learned during your class instruction. You will be given a written test and a manual skills exam. The written test has multiple choice questions about nursing procedures. With the manual exam you will need to demonstrate 5 of the skills you previously learned. You can get more information about certification requirements by calling the Pa Department of Health at: 1-800-852-0518
The state’s Department of Health has asked Pearson VUE to help schedule, conduct, and release the exam results. Applicants can get a copy of the application forms by either calling the American Red Cross at (800) 795-2350 or by visiting
The application forms must be completed accurately before sending them. First time takers must send payment fee of $102 for both parts of the exam. The payments must only be in the form of a company check, cashier’s check, or money order; personal checks and cash are not accepted. All applications must be sent to:
American Red Cross
Competency Evaluation Program
1804 N. Sixth St.,
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Candidates must pass both tests within 24 months after completing their training. They are given a maximum of 3 attempts within the 24 month period. When retaking the exams, they will only need to retake the test that they failed. If a candidate still fails to pass within the 24 month period or uses up all attempts, whichever comes first, then he or she will need to undergo retraining.
The exam results are released on the same day of the exams if there are no technical problems. The names of those who will pass both tests will immediately be entered into the Nurse Aide Registry. However, the Registry Card, which necessary when applying for work may take three weeks to arrive at your address. If you wish to check your status as a certified nursing assistant, you may do so via:
Pennsylvania allows those who have received their training in a many different states to apply for reciprocity so that they can work there. When they apply, they should make sure that they are in good terms with the state they come from so that they can pass the background check. They should also have an active license and submit a completed reciprocity form.
Bridgeville is a borough in Allegheny County. The area was originally called as St. Clair Township back in 1763 but was later named after the first bridge that was built near the area. According to the census of 2010, their total population had reached up to a total of 5,148 people. They have a population density of 4,680 / sq mile. The total area of the city is estimated to be about 1.1 sq miles, where all of it is land.
Examples of health care centers and providers that are found in the area include Cintas First Aid Supplies and Safety Training of Bridgeville, PA, Western Pennsylvania Psych Care, Chartiers Mental Health & Mental Retardation Center Inc., Health Care Solutions, Weiblingers Residential Care Inc., Planned Parenthood, Benchmark Medical Inc., Radiance Plastic Surgery, Vista Behavioral Health Associates, and Healthcare Service Freedom. photo attribution: ufv