The nursing assistant training classes in Black Mountain that are shown to you on this page are all the authorized instruction courses that have been approved by the state of North Carolina that you can enroll as of the moment. For more information about the certification classes being offered, just call the number provided.
Black Mountain Neuro-Medical Treatment Center
932 Old Us Hwy 70 W
Black Mountain, NC 28711-2547
(828) 669-3100
Completing a state-approved training program is a necessary step in becoming a nursing assistant in North Carolina. To help ensure that the quality of training that the nursing assistant candidate received, the candidates are only allowed to enroll in a training program that is approved by the state. Because there is no age requirement to become a nursing assistant and the efforts of the Health Occupation Education programs, high schools may offer CNA training program. This gives high school students the chance to become a nursing assistant.
State-approved programs offer their students no less than 75 hours of training. These hours will be divided into lectures and on-the-job training. You will be taught in how to assist in a patient’s daily activities, do transfer and ambulation, prepare the patients for their meals, feed them with the use of tubes, help them with the use of a bedpan or a urinal, collect specimens for them, use side rails, and perform special procedures such as monitoring their vital signs, take their height and weight, clean and change their dressings, and perform postmortem care if necessary.
By completing a state-approved training program, you will be eligible to apply for the NNAAP exams. While waiting to take the exams, you can also work as a nursing assistant in a nursing facility temporarily (4 months). With the new system that Pearson VUE created, all applications for the license exams are now done online.
If you want to get an advance certificate/license, you can try to become a nurse aide II, a medication aide, or a geriatric aide. In order to become eligible for their training, you must first become a CNA and be listed on the Nurse Aide I Registry. These advance certifications will require you to undergo additional training and take another competency exam.
This town is a part of Buncombe County. Aside from that, it is also a part of the Asheville Metropolitan Statistical Area. It was named for the Black Mountain range of the Blue Ridge range near this place. According to the 2000 census, their total population was around 7,511 people. It has a total area of approximately 6.5 sq miles and a population density of 1,165.7/sq mile.
Examples of health care centers and providers that you can find in the area include Anders Deborah G DDS PA (828) 669-8781, Swannanoa Valley Medical Center (828) 669-5859, Long Noreen DR (828) 669-5664, and Glass DR of Wnc (828) 669-5113. photo attribution: create-learning