The certified nursing assistant programs in Beloit, Kansas that are currently available are listed here. The classes listed here are all approved for instruction by the DADS Registry. If you have any inquiries, please call the number provided below and speak with a course administrator.
Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems LTCU
400 West 8th Street,
Beloit, Kansas 67420
(785) 738-2266
The first step in becoming a nursing assistant is to find a program to enroll in. You can find these programs almost anywhere in the state. It is important that you receive proper training before you handle any patient. Your training will be composed of classroom lectures and skills training on the basic nursing skills. At the end of the program, you will have at least 90 hours of training. To be enrolled in one of these programs, you must be at least a high school graduate.
After you complete your training, you can then send in your application form along with the necessary document. Examples of such documents include fingerprint cards, ID photo, passport sized pictures, high school diploma, and the payment for the exam fees. Once you get the approval, you may apply to for the state license exams to be a certified nursing assistant.
The examinations for this state are handled by Pearson Vue. Their exams are composed of a written/oral exam and a knowledge demonstration on the different nursing skills. Out of all the skills that were taught, only a few will be randomly selected and asked to be performed. You must be able to pass all the tests to get your license. Your license will have to be renewed every two years before the last day of your birth month.
This city is the county seat of Mitchell County. The first settler came around 1868 and was named A.A. Bell. It was only on March 26, 1872 that the town was platted and was incorporated in July 1872. According to the census of 2010, their total population was around 3,835 people. It has a total area of approximately 4.0 sq miles, where all of it is land. The population density of this city is estimated to be around 960/sq mile.
Health care providers that are available in the city of Beloit are Pawnee Mental Health Services, Meyer Chiropractic Center, Pawnee Mental Health Services, Swisher Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractic Health Center, Beloit Medical Center PA, and S & S Home Health Center. photo attribution: mtneer_man