The town of Lone Pine, California offers the following nurse aide schools listed on this page. If you know other state recognized vocational programs, colleges, or nursing home classes that are being offered right now, contact us and we will add them to the page.
Southern Inyo Hospital CNA Course
501 East Locust Street,
Lone Pine, CA 93545
(619) 876-5501
California is one of the best places to become a nurse aide. Training here is quick, easy, and affordable. Because of the high demand for the profession, there are now a lot of schools offering NATPs. The number of NATPs has caused lower training fees, which means that you can train to become a nurse aide without being buried in debt.
The goal of the Nursing Home Reform Act is to provide better care for patients living in nursing homes and other nursing facilities. Every training facility must first get certified by the CDPH before handling any student. Enrolling in a CDPH-approved program will ensure that your training will meet federal and state standards, as well as make you eligible to apply for the certification exam.
Approved programs consist of 150 hours of training. The hours are divided into (50 hours) classroom theories and (100 hours) supervised clinical practice. Programs will teach 16 different modules that will teach concepts like:
• Body mechanics
• Vital signs
• Nutrition
• Infection control
• Weights and measurements
• Basic and personal care
• Death and dying
• Long-term care patients
• Interpersonal skills
The certification exams in this state are handled by Pearson VUE. First time takers are required to take both the written/oral knowledge exam and the practical skills evaluation. You must pass both exams to get certified. If you fail, you can reapply and retake the test you failed. You are only allowed to take the exam up to three times within 2 years of completing your training. If you still fail after your third attempt, you will have to undergo retraining.
If there are no technical problems, the results will be released on the same day. The names of those who pass will be forwarded to the Aide and Technician Certification Section. The ATCS will then send you your CNA certificate, which you can use when you apply for work.
Employers are required to verify each applicant’s certification before hiring them. According to the law, only certified nurse aides are allowed to work in a certified nursing facility. If you wish to view your status, you may do so by going to:
Lone Pine is a CDP that is situated in Inyo County. It is just a few miles southeast of Independence. It is also found in the Owens Valley which is near the Alabama Hills. As of the latest census, the town now has a total population of 2,035 citizens. The total area of the city is approximately 19.215 sq miles. It has a population density of 19.215 sq miles.
There are plenty of health care facilities that you can find in the city. Included in those facilities are Southern Inyo Hospital (which is the main hospital) (760) 876-5501, Southern Inyo Clinic (760) 876-1146, Inyo County Health & Human Services (760) 878-0237, and Private Testing Center (888) 249-6716. photo attribution: westconn