Enrolling in a certified nurse aide training program can help you prepare for the license exams and is a requirement to be certified to work. You can find the available schools in Lakeside, California listed below. If you know of more state approved programs that are available in this city, please let us know.
Friendship Manor
11952 Woodside Avenue,
Lakeside, California 92040
(619) 267-7571
Map of nursing assistant training programs within the city of Lakeside:
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The general process of becoming a nurse aide in this state is basically the same as many other states. According to federal and state laws, all aspiring nurse aide candidates must complete a state-approved nurse aide training course and pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program Exam. Passing a CNA course is one of the requirements to get a certification/license. The state requires that its nursing assistants must have a license before they can work in health care facilities. With the growing demand for this profession, there are plenty of educational institutions that now offer their courses.
Enrolling in a state-approved training course will provide the students the knowledge and skills needed to handle different situations that they will encounter as nurse aides. The state’s Department of Public Health is responsible for certifying and monitoring training courses in this state. Candidates must only enroll in programs approved by the CDPH.
Training consists of classroom instructions and clinical practice. Every training course is headed by a registered nurse with at least 2 years of nursing experience and was able to take continuing education on planning, implementing, and reviewing nursing programs. The training course takes a minimum of 150 hours to complete.
The state will also honor some online courses that are available. You can also enroll in online course if you want to complete some of the theoretical information without leaving your home. However, you still will need to attend a class at a physical location to fulfill the hands-on skills training requirement. You can contact the CA Public Health Licensing & Certification program at (916) 552-8700 to help answer your questions.
Upon completion of the program, the candidate will become eligible to apply for the NNAAP exam. This exam consists of a written/oral knowledge test and a skills evaluation. If a candidate passes all the tests, he will get certified. Employers are required to verify each applicant’s certification before hiring them. You can also do this by visiting the L&C Program’s site at http://www.apps.cdph.ca.gov/cvl/SearchPage.aspx.
California is open to nursing aides from other states. The process of reciprocity will make them eligible for nursing aide certification in this state. If approved, the applicant will immediately get certified without any further testing. Applicants must have current certification and a good relationship with their state. Applicants are still required to pass both the federal and state background checks.
Lakeside is another CDP area that is found within San Diego County. According to the census of 2010, they have a population of 20,648, which went up by more than 1,000 people within the span of 10 years. This CDP has a total area of 7.280 sq miles; 5% of the total area is water. They have a population density of 2,836.3/sq miles. This city has also been known as cowboy town or rodeo town because of its rural setting.
Health care facilities and providers that are available in the city include Neighborhood Healthcare Lakeside (619) 390-9975, Lakeside School District Administrative Offices – Health Services (619) 390-2623, and many more. photo attribution: westconn