Within the town of Arcadia, California you can find the certified nursing assistant schools currently available listed below. If you know of any classes or health care center nurse aide training programs that you can enroll in, send them to us and we will add them to the list.
[There are no CNA Classes in Arcadia, CA that are being offered as of the moment.]
All individuals who wish to become a nursing assistant must be certified before working in an approved nursing facility. There are two general ways to become a nursing assistant in the State of California. You can challenge and pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program, or you could apply for reciprocity.
The process of reciprocity is only for individuals who are already certified in another state as a CNA. This process allows them to transfer their certification, from the state they come from, to California. It is important that the applicant must have a current certification and was able to maintain a clean record. If the applicant has been certified for more than 2 years, then he is required to provide proof of employment along with the application forms. All applicants must also be fingerprinted and request for the Live Scan Services. You can get an Initial Application Form from this link: http://www.asisvcs.com/publications/pdf/070503.pdf.
If you have never been certified before as a nursing assistant, then the only way for you to become a CNA is by challenging the NNAAP exam. All applicants for the NNAAP exam are required to complete a CDPH-approved training program. Because of its high demand, CNA programs are now offered by different educational and training institutions like community colleges, nursing homes, hospitals, vocational colleges, technical colleges, and even private training centers. There are also some websites that offer online training.
Your training will comprise of classroom lectures and supervised clinical practice. During the entire program you will be placed under the care of a licensed nurse who has some background about training adults. Before you go to the clinical area, you will spend 16 hours learning the following concepts:
• Infection Control
• Safety and Emergency Procedures
• Communication and Interpersonal skills
• Patients’ Rights
• Patients’ Independence
Registered nurses, LPNs, nursing students/graduates, and military-trained medics may also apply directly for the exams if they are deemed eligible by the Aide and Technician Certification Section or ACTCS. They will have to provide proof of training and experience to the ATCS before submitting the application forms to the appropriate Regional Center. Military medics who have been discharged must provide a copy of form DD-214.
The NNAAP exams consist of a multiple-choice knowledge test and a random clinical skills test. You will be given 2 hours to answer 70 items for the multiple-choice and 25 minutes to perform all 5 required nursing skills or procedures. You must pass all tests within 3 attempts to get your CNA certificate.
This is a very affluent city that is located in Los Angeles County. You can reach this city if you go northeast from downtown Los Angeles in the San Gabriel Valley. It is just at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains. Cities that are near Arcadia include Temple City, Monterey Park, San Marino, and San Gabriel. It has a total population of about 56,364 people. This city was named after Arcadia in Greece.
Health centers and facilities that you can find within the city include HealthCare Partners Medical Group, Keles Inc, Pacific Clinical Research Medical Group Inc., Phillip Pannell Psycholgical, Pacific Clinics Sierra Family Center, Happy Home Health Services, Calif Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Foundation, Surgical Care Affiliates, and Healthcare Eligibility Services. photo attribution: westconn