The nurse aide training classes located in Kingston, Pennsylvania that are open for you to enroll in are all listed here. For any questions about program schedules, tuition costs, or the instruction curriculum offered, please call the number provided.
West Side Area Vocational Technical School
75 Evans Street, Pringle Borough,
Kingston, PA 18704
(570) 288-8493
Every aspiring nurse aide is required to get proper training to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to take care of the patients/residents. One can get the necessary training by enrolling in a CNA school that’s approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Enrolling into a certified school will ensure that you get the proper training that meet federal and state standards.
Programs must provide necessary curriculum that includes both theoretical health care instruction and physical hands-on instruction. When you enroll you will learn a variety of fundamental skills you will need on the job. Some of the proficiencies and tasks you will be taught include: resident housekeeping, measuring and recording vital signs, catheter care, feeding & serving meals, safety protocols, infection management, assisting the transport of patients, range of motion exercises, toileting, bathing and dressing residents.
Certified training programs consist of a minimum of 80 hours. These hours are divided into supervised clinical practice and classroom lectures on various nursing concepts. The state requires that students must spend at least 37.5 hours in the clinical setting practicing the nursing skills taught in the classroom. They are not allowed to perform any skill that has not yet been covered in the classroom.
CNA training is cheaper when you compare it to other courses like nursing. Depending on the school you choose, it can cost you around $350 to $1000. These costs may or may not include costs of books, uniforms, and testing fees. Luckily, there are a lot of schools and training facilities that offer grants and scholarships.
If you’re able to find work as an employee for a certified nursing facility prior to enrolling in a training program, you will not be charged for any training and testing fees. All costs are required to be paid by the employer. All unemployed nurse aide students who can find work within 12 months after getting certified may receive reimbursement on a pro rate basis. To find out more, please call the Department of Public Welfare’s Bureau of Quality and Provider Management at (717) 772- 0814.
When you complete your training you will be allowed to apply for the CNA certification exams. This exam is a two part exam that consists of a written test and a manual skills evaluation. The tests are given on the same day at an approved testing facility. Your name will be entered into the Nurse Aide Registry, and you will receive a Registry Card if you pass both tests. Taking the exams is necessary for the state won’t allow an non-certified nurse aide to work for more than 120 days in a Medicare/Medicaid long-term care facility.
First-time applicants are required to pay $102 for both parts of the exams. They are given 3 attempts within 24 months after they complete their training. The payments must be in the form of a money order or a cashier’s check. Cash, personal checks, and credit are not accepted. Incomplete applications won’t be processed by the ARC.
Exams are held at different locations throughout the state including nursing homes, vocational schools, colleges, and American Red Cross facilities. You can find the locations nearest to you by contacting the American Red Cross at 1-800-795-2350. Those who have passed all requirements are granted an active license and are able to work in Pennsylvania as a nursing assistant. For the latest regulations and requirements you can call Pearson VUE at 1-800-852-0518.
Names on the Nurse Aide Registry are only temporary. You need to renew your registration every two 24 months to keep your eligibility to work in a certified nursing facility. No CNA is allowed to continue working with an expired certification. Luckily, renewing your registration has now gotten easier with the online system at
Nursing graduates and medics that were trained in the military are often allowed to apply for reciprocity. Enrolling in this program is one of the requirements for you to be able to take the state license exams directly without retaking a CNA training class.
The city of Kingston is a municipality that is located in Luzerne County. It became a borough back in 1857. This borough is included in the greater metropolitan area of the city of Wilkes-Barre. According to the latest census, their total population had reached up to a total of 13,182 people and a population density of 6,000/sq mile. The total area of Kingston is approximately 2.2 sq miles, where the vast majority of it is land.
There are quite a number of health care clinics and facilities that are found in the area, they include Pediatric Cardiology Clinic, Immediate Care Medical Center, Personal Care Home Health Services Inc., Allied Medical & Technical Institute, Helping Hands Healthcare Agency, Women’s Imaging Center, Rural Health Corporation of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Advanced Psychological and Counseling Services, Wyoming Valley Health Care System Ouptatient Testing, Wyoming Valley Health Care System Physical & Occupational Therapy, Star Fitness, The Neuropathy Center of Nepa, and many more. photo attribution: ufv